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  1. FS62.pdf

    Page 1 of 26 Factsheet 62 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards March 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet looks at the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). These relate to people who lack the mental ... section. Age UK factsheet 62 March 2024 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Page 2 of 26 Contents 1 Recent developments 4 2 What are Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards? 4 2.1 Mental Capacity Act principles

  2. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    Gwanwyn Festival Celebrating creativity in older age Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwanwyn: a potted history A national festival celebrating creativity in older age Covering the length and breadth of Wales Began in 2007 Over 3,500 events Over 75,000 people £250,000 issued to local community groups to take part 490 grants issued to local community groups 96% of participants would like to attend

  3. Gwanwyn_bro_Welsh.pdf

    Gŵyl Gwanwyn Dathlu creadigrwydd yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwanwyn: crynodeb o’i hanes Gŵyl genedlaethol yn dathlu creadigrwydd yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd Ar hyd a lled Cymru Dechreuodd yn 2007 Dros 3,500 o ddigwyddiadau Dros 75,000 o bobl £250,000 wedi’i roi i grwpiau cymunedol lleol i gymryd rhan 490 o grantiau wedi’u rhoi i grwpiau cymunedol lleol Hoffai 96% fynd i

  4. FS10w.pdf

    Factsheet 10w  April 2024 (amended May 2024) 2 of 76 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 5 1.1 Definitions and terminology 6 2 Legislation covering the social ... Factsheet 10w  April 2024 (amended May 2024) 5 of 76 1 Information about this factsheet This factsheet provides information on the financial help that may

  5. Summer Leaflet v4.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales A little bit of sunshine is good for us and can lift our spirits – let’s face it, it can often be a welcome change from the long drawn out Welsh winter. There is no clear distinction between the seasons these days. So whatever our Welsh summer throws our way, it’s important that we’re prepared for all eventualities. Extreme temperatures, still air and humidity are

  6. FS29w.pdf

    Factsheet 29w  July 2022 2 of 64 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 4 1.1 Definitions and terminology – local authority social ... 60 Factsheet 29w  July 2022 4 of 64 1 Information about this factsheet This factsheet considers a number of issues related to finding suitable

  7. FS38w.pdf

    Factsheet 38w  June 2024 2 of 57 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 5 1.1 Definitions and terminology 5 2 Legislation covering the social ... Factsheet 38w  June 2024 5 of 57 1 Information about this factsheet This factsheet explains how property is dealt with in the local authority

  8. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    Age Matters The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Spring 2022 Creating an age friendly Wales 2 The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Spring Edition 2022 Spring 2022 – a time of achievements, challenges, and opportunities By Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive, March 2022 Welcome to this latest edition of Age Matters. We hope that

  9. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf

    Canolfan Gymunedol Ton & Gelli, Ton Pentre - 23 Tachwedd 9am - 1pm Neuadd Santes Anne, Aberystwyth – 1 Rhagfyr 10am – 1pm Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â Rachel Dawson ar 07943 186 771 neu e-bostiwch rachel

  10. FS92.pdf

    Page 1 of 38 Factsheet 92 Universal Credit April 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet gives information about Universal Credit, a means-tested benefit for people under State Pension age (currently ... Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet 92 April 2024 Universal Credit Page 2 of 38 Contents 1 What is Universal Credit? 5 1.1 Legacy benefits 5 2 Who qualifies for UC? 5 2.1 Basic requirements 6

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