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  1. FS79.pdf

    public function if, for example, it: ⚫ is publicly funded, e.g. a GP’s surgery under the NHS, or care home commissioned by the local authority ⚫ carries out duties that the law says should be carried out ... of Harrow (2007) EWHC 944 (Admin) The London Borough of Harrow decided to make cuts to its social care services, restricting them to people with critical needs. Their EIA showed it would affect disabled

  2. FS38w - Welsh.pdf

    awdurdodau eu hystyried wrth bennu anwybyddiad, (er bod deddfwriaeth wahanol yn gymwys yn Lloegr- sef Care Act 2014, yn hytrach na Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru)2014 - mae’r rheolau o ran ... defnyddio yn Lloegr – Taflen Ffeithiau 38 Treatment of property in the means test for permanent care home provision Taflen Ffeithiau 38w  Mehefin 2018 16

  3. Basic State Pension (before 2016)

    and contributions that were credited to you if you were unable to work - for example, if you were caring for a child or disabled person, or claiming certain benefits. If you’re eligible to claim a

  4. Personal Independence Payment

    doesn’t matter how much income or savings you have. If you've reached State Pension age and have care needs, you should claim Attendance Allowance instead. If you are unsure when you reach State Pension

  5. RISCA advocacy services - August 2018.pdf

    1 CONSULTATION RESPONSE REGULATION AND INSPECTION OF SOCIAL CARE (WALES) ACT 2016: PHASE 3 IMPLEMENTATION – REGULATED ADVOCACY SERVICES AUGUST 2018 Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve ... are pleased to respond to Welsh Government’s consultation on the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016: Phase 3 Implementation – Regulated Advocacy Services. Comments relating to the

  6. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    Mother, 75 lives with a younger man, in property owned by Mother. The younger man rents out his former home and other properties too. C concerned that younger man is 'bullying' Mother to change her will, so ... funeral and claimed money from father's estate, which has not been paid. C queries this. Mother is in care home placement. Sister has LPA for financial decisions. C thinks that Mother might lack mental capacity

  7. 20180816 RISCA advocacy services response.pdf

    1 CONSULTATION RESPONSE REGULATION AND INSPECTION OF SOCIAL CARE (WALES) ACT 2016: PHASE 3 IMPLEMENTATION – REGULATED ADVOCACY SERVICES AUGUST 2018 Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve ... are pleased to respond to Welsh Government’s consultation on the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016: Phase 3 Implementation – Regulated Advocacy Services. Comments relating to the

  8. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    short delay. In occasional cases, personal problems and delays in having access to the internet at home (including perceptions of high broadband charges) delayed people from starting the courses as soon ... people not wishing to drive during the winter months. In cases where people were tutored in the home this was considered a bonus and in some cases vital (for those with visual impairments and mobility

  9. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Transport_infrastructure.pdf

    essential to older people. It supports their health and well-being and reduces pressure on the NHS and care services. Buses are the most popular form of public transport for older people – 32% of people over ... we’re retired.” “To do shopping like this week, I have a job to carry it so I have to have a taxi home which puts money on your shopping bill that you can’t really afford.” Female, 65+ 3 Bus Services

  10. Being scam aware.pdf

    the police will never ask for this information. • The person says that they’ll send someone to their home to collect cash, bank cards or anything else. • They’re asked to reveal personal or banking information

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