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  1. What is Spread the Warmth

    activity programmes, like tai chi and LIFT (Low Impact Functional Training) Eat well What you eat will make your heat. Think of what you eat as fuel for your body, if you put the wrong foods in, then you ... vaccination continues to be the best protection we currently have against flu and covid. A vaccination will give you the best protection against serious illness from flu. If you fit the category of being eligible

  2. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    K eeping bus services free and sustainable Getting out and about 1 Summary 2 Age UK recommendations 5 Bus services 6 Conclusions 17 Notes 18 Contents Age UK launched in April 2010 with the aim of improving ... getting worse. In many cases buses are being cut without suitable alternatives being found, which will leave older people stranded. This is about more than getting from A to B. The wider benefits of bus

  3. CRS_Nov14_LGA_role_ageing_population.pdf

    and to extend healthy years in later life. Better health and wellbeing throughout the life-course will reduce and delay the intensity of demand for health and social care services in later life. This benefits ... procurement guidance - Councils should build in risk assessments on the impact that the initiative will have on the well-being of older people and their social inclusion. Through consultation with older

  4. CRS_Sept13_Evidence_to_MCA_Select_Committee.pdf

    confusion can arise for experienced MCA practitioners, let alone members of the public. Age UK recommends that the Code of Practice is updated to give greater clarity in this area. 2.5. In our experience ... improved practice amongst financial institutions, although we certainly hope that it will. We would expect that BSA and BBA will want to assess the impact that the guidance has in terms of raising awareness

  5. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    as the person moves into the care home. We recommend using this resource to spark conversations around mental health in care. We hope that these discussions will inspire care home staff to explore new ways ... media in that language. Similarly, there may be community groups who speak that language who may be willing to socialise with the individual or even host activities at the home. 6 Case study : Welsh in care

  6. CRS_Feb16_Ofgem_final_proposals_priority_services_register.pdf

    Environment Agency, insurance companies, local Age UKs, energy companies. We also refer Ofgem to the recommendations made on pages 5-6 of our report, many of which relate to how energy companies can improve their ... energy company performance in this area? 11. In reference to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, we hope Ofgem will monitor company performance around meeting the needs of people holding powers of attorney and the

  7. RB_March17_Age_UK_briefing_Budget.pdf

    The Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his first and last ‘Spring’ Budget on 8 March (as Budgets will in future take place in the Autumn). In a document that was light on surprises, most of the key points ... proposed funding of £2bn over 3 years and announced plans for a Green Paper later in 2017. Age UK will be considering these plans against 10 principles we think should underpin their approach. Age UK’s

  8. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    safe with regular, reliable and accessible services: ‘Regular and frequent transportation would help me in feeling more confident to go out and about’. (Female aged 80-84, Cardiff). People also told us ... transport. The appointment was at St Joseph’s in Newport I live in Rhymney. Hopefully a new appointment will be made nearer home.’ Many of the issues around public transport were present before the pandemic

  9. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

    and can act as a prompt for care. They can also create a consistent standard of documentation which will provide the basis for ongoing audit.2 Integrated Care Pathways (ICP), are care pathways which, in ... can be viewed in a number of ways. From the point of view of the patient or client, effectiveness will be seen in terms of improved clinical outcomes or improved levels of care and quality of life. A service

  10. 20190821 CHC Consultation Response.pdf

    where to could go for help.5 There is also concern that existing carer lead roles within the NHS will not be prioritised once transitional funding comes to an end.6 It is therefore essential that the

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