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  1. BGF_Pilot_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    Age & Dementia Friendly Gymnastics Programme An Evaluation of the British Gymnastics Foundation Pilot Vinal K Karania Research Manager (Evaluation & Impact) Research ... Acknowledgements The author of this report would like to thank the British Gymnastics Foundation (in particular Patrick Bonner), the activity coach (Kim Hall), representatives of the participating organisations

  2. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 6 Summary_e.pdf

    Independent advocacy is a vital service for individuals to ensure that the person (and their well-being outcomes) is placed at the centre of the work of support services. Independent advocacy gives citizens ... There have been significant developments in the field of independent advocacy in the period between Advocacy Counts 5 (2016) and Advocacy Counts 6 (2018). The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014

  3. Advocacy Counts 6 Executive Summary Final ENGLISH.pdf

    Independent advocacy is a vital service for individuals to ensure that the person (and their well-being outcomes) is placed at the centre of the work of support services. Independent advocacy gives citizens ... There have been significant developments in the field of independent advocacy in the period between Advocacy Counts 5 (2016) and Advocacy Counts 6 (2018). The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014

  4. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    rhag sgamiau a thwyll, ac i gynorthwyo dioddefwyr. Working together to help better protect people in Wales from scams and fraud, and to support victims. Gall cael eich sgamio neu eich targedu gan dwyll ... We will • Improve public awareness of scams and fraud and increase knowledge about the steps people can take to protect themselves. • Remove stigma and embarrassment about being a victim of scams

  5. CRS_Sept15_Care_of_the_dying_adult.pdf

    Care of the Dying Adult Consultation on draft guideline – deadline for comments 5pm on 09/09/2015 email: Please return to: Please ... Please read the checklist for submitting comments at the end of this form. We cannot accept forms that are not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views on these questions: 1. Which areas will

  6. Expert Clas - Adcocacy under the Act.pdf

  7. Spread the Warmth Myth-Busting leaflet - Welsh.pdf

    Peidiwch â bod yn oer y gaeaf hwn Cadwch yn iach a chynnes yn ystod y tywydd oer gyda’n hawgrymiadau defnyddiol. Yn ogystal â het, mae lapio sgarff o gwmpas eich gwddf a cheg yn helpu i ddiogelu eich iechyd. Mae anadlu aer oer yn codi’r risg o haint ar y frest a chynyddu pwysedd gwaed. ‘Dim ond het sydd angen arnaf i gadw’n gynnes ar ddiwrnod o aeaf.’ ‘Mae ystafell wely gynnes yn ddrwg i fy

  8. Age Cymru response to Welsh Govt plans for planned care recovery and reducing waiting lists June 2022.pdf

    modernising planned care and reducing waiting lists For the Senedd’s Health and social Care Committee June 2022 Introduction Age Cymru welcomes the opportunity to provide further information on modernising planned ... older people are predominantly those most affected by delays in this area. We are very pleased to see that the plan for transforming and modernising care includes many developments that will over time help

  9. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    1 Consultation response to ‘Residential Property Management Services: An update paper on the market study’ Competition and Markets Authority Ref: 1914 Date: September 2014 Name: Joe Oldman ... may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Age UK

  10. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    in rural England Age UK is a charity that aims to improve later life for everyone through our information and advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research. In the UK we work closely with ... with our partners Age Scotland, Age NI, Age Cymru and the many local Age UKs and older people’s groups. We provide services at a local and national level including information and advice that reaches some

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