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  1. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2022-23 ENGLISH.pdf

    there were visitors. The council had attended the property over several months but couldn’t agree what was causing the problem. Telephone call-backs were promised but never materialised. Our HOPE Independent ... a big difference to him. Ms AAA was being evicted by her private landlord and this was the second time this had happened to her in private rental accommodation. Ms AAA wanted to move into social housing

  2. RB_March14_Digitalbydefault_Government_services_online.pdf

    provide information and access to services in a way that is quick and convenient for individuals at times that suit them. Services will become ‘digital by default’. The Government Digital Strategy (GDS)1 ... digital services that are so straightforward and convenient that all those who can use them will choose to do so whilst those who can’t are not excluded’ It also states that ‘it is important that we do not

  3. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_E.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Music Balloon games Bright balloons can be very useful as they are light and easy to use. They can be used for group warm ups and for musical games. Two such games are: ... or pass the balloon to someone else. The balloon can only be passed when music is playing. When the music stops, everyone remains as still as they can. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Music Making instruments

  4. RB_Sept16_After_the_Referendum.pdf

    also looks forward: what are the areas of public policy where the EU has particularly touched older people’s lives, what are the questions that older people have raised with us, and what will be Age UK’s ... Rights. British citizens are still able to rely on their rights in the ECHR in domestic courts and can still take cases to the European Court of Human Rights. In addition, they are protected by the UN Convention

  5. Carers Guide (Cym) Nov 22.pdf

    Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru Canllaw ar gyfer nodi, cyfeirio a chefnogi gofalwyr hŷn yng Nghymru Creating an age friendly Wales 2 Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru ... Nghymru Cynnwys Cyflwyniad i Brosiect Gofalwyr Age Cymru 3 Nodi a chefnogi gofalwyr hŷn di-dâl yng Nghymru 4 Eich hawliau 5 Asesiad o anghenion gofalwyr 6 A ddylwn i siarad â’m meddyg teulu? 8 Budd-daliadau

  6. Carers Guide WELSH (Jan 23).pdf

    Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru Canllaw ar gyfer nodi, cyfeirio a chefnogi gofalwyr hŷn yng Nghymru Creating an age friendly Wales 2 Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru ... Nghymru Cynnwys Cyflwyniad i Brosiect Gofalwyr Age Cymru 3 Nodi a chefnogi gofalwyr hŷn di-dâl yng Nghymru 4 Eich hawliau 5 Asesiad o anghenion gofalwyr 6 A ddylwn i siarad â’m meddyg teulu? 8 Budd-daliadau

  7. annual_review_2013_2014.pdf

    longer brings many things to the surface. I’m happy and contented in my life.’ Velda, 76 Our year Annual Review 2013/14 Age UK’s vision is for a world where everyone can love later life. We know it’s ambitious ... ambitious, because for many people growing older can bring challenges. But that doesn’t stop us being ourselves. We still want to laugh, love, be needed and keep doing the things that matter to us. We’re very

  8. Age Cymru Welsh - Evaluation report.pdf

    noson fy mhriodas. Cyhoeddwyd Hydref 2017 Adroddiad llawn ar gael yn: I gyfeirio’r adroddiad hwn: Algar-Skaife, K., Caulfield, M. & Woods, B. (2017) cARTrefu: Creating artists ... - heneiddio creadigol. Rydym yn falch o fod mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru i gefnogi Age Cymru i gyflwyno cARTrefu. Yn ein barn ni, mae’n un o’r enghreifftiau mwyaf ysbrydoledig mewn unrhyw

  9. English 3 DRAFT Self Assessment Tool - Providers - 4 11 16 - final.docx

    that we would like to underline: This tool is for you to use in an iterative way. It can be adapted and revisited as time passes We suggest you complete it in collaboration with your team and with partners ... statementYellow = s ufficient evidence to suggest you comply with the good practice statement Amber = i nsufficient evidence to suggest you comply with the good practice statementRed = p oor evidence to suggest

  10. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    questions:  whether retirement housing is likely to be viable financially for the majority of older people (i.e. those on low to moderate incomes, and with only limited equity if they are owneroccupiers);  whether ... benefits and to those with higher incomes, but not to those in-between; and  whether self-funders can afford to access and then remain in retirement housing (including housing with care) especially if

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