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  1. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    action 1 We are calling for action from national Government in three key areas. National leadership A UK wide Strategy for Loneliness across all ages A nominated lead Minister A Family and Relationships Test ... and build on the loneli ness movement with charities, local authori ties and businesses across the UK. • MPs will continue their work through a new Parliamentary Group (APPG) on loneliness. • And all

  2. Spotlight on employment and older workers event held on Tuesday 31 January 2023

    people in the workplace call Michael Phillips on 07794 366224 or email Conference report: Widespread calls for more support to help older people thrive in the workplace   ... ways or prone to sickness. Professor Williams also said Brexit has left several key industries in the UK short of some 300,000 workers so it made no sense to waste the talents of older people at times like

  3. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    care needs of older people in England? Prof Jose Iparraguirre, Chief Economist, Age UK Introduction Last year, Age UK estimated that 1,004,000 older people between 65 and over have unmet social care needs ... –roughly 31 per cent of older people with difficulty in carrying out activities of daily living (Age UK, 2014). This note explains how we arrived to an estimate of how much money it would cost local authorities

  4. RB_Nov15_Financial_Abuse_Evidence_Review.pdf

    Abuse Evidence Review November 2015 Dr Susan Davidson, Phil Rossall and Sarah Hart AGE UK RESEARCH Financial Abuse Evidence Review, November 2015 ... possessions or property.’2 Behavioural definitions are used in the major piece of UK research conducted in the last decade, the UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People: ‘One or more instance of financial

  5. Newsletter Autumn 2021 Welsh.pdf

    cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Hydref 2021 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar 2 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Hydref ... syniadau ar gyfer teithiau cerdded a thirnodau arbennig i gadw llygad amdanynt, ewch i 4 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Hydref 2021 Angen gwirfoddolwyr sy’n gwirioni

  6. RB_Oct12_UC_and_couples_if_one_over_PC_age_Briefing.pdf

    Benefit. However it appears that this will not apply to pensioners who have a younger partner.  Age UK is concerned that the changes could affect the health and wellbeing of some older people, will increase ... note looks at the arguments and debates around this change, considers the impact and sets out Age UK’s views. In this paper we describe couples where one is under, and the other over, Pension Credit age

  7. Age Matters - Rhifyn Haf 2023 - Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru.pdf

    chwarterol Age Cymru Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar 2 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru Rhifyn Haf 2023 Croeso Croeso i argraffiad yr haf o Age Matters ... ledled Cymru drwy ymuno â’r Cam Mawr a chodi arian hanfodol ar gyfer yr elusen. Ewch i thebigstep neu ffoniwch 029 2043 1555. Os ydych chi’n llwyddo i gasglu mwy na £50, byddwch yn ennill

  8. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    carers2 living in Wales, representing 12% of the population, the highest proportion of carers of all UK countries. 87,173 of these carers were aged 65 and over, and 131,120 aged between 50 and 64. 103,594 ... not cope without them. Estimations of the value of the contribution of carers of all ages across the UK range from £55 billion5 to £132 billion6 annually. Carers can be involved in a whole range of practical

  9. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020 - Welsh.pdf

    cARTrefu, ewch i wefan Os ydych yn artist neu’n berson creadigol, ac os hoffech fynychu gweithdy, gallwch gofrestru ar trwy chwilio am cARTrefu - “An ... (2015). Gellir teimlo’r ffocws sydd gan Jon ar gynhwysiant yn ei ymdrechion fel aelod o fwrdd ASSITEJ UK a Chadeirydd Theatr ar gyfer Cynulleidfaoedd Ifanc Cymru. Mae hefyd yn aelod bwrdd interim ar gyfer

  10. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    A means to many ends Older workers’ experiences of flexible working Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company ... their trading and other associated companies merged on 1 April 2009. Together they have formed the Age UK Group, dedicated to improving the lives of people in later life. The three national Age Concerns in

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