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  1. Handout on principles of the Act.docx

    joint working arrangements between local authorities and other relevantpartners, such as health, housing and the voluntary sector, to improve people’s well-being and the quality of the services, while reducing

  2. RB_March17_Age_UK_briefing_Budget.pdf

    existing loan system is that it is highly focussed on full-time undergraduates, so this is a welcome move that should make it possible for people to re-train as adults. There is, however, still an age cap

  3. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    have been so for more than a year.i It can be very difficult or even impossible for these people to move back into work, often because of ageist attitudes by employers, a lack of high quality advice and ... unemployed, using mainly private sector contractors operating under a payment-by-results system to move people into sustainable employment. The scheme offers the potential to raise the quality of support

  4. Principles of the Act - Handout.pdf

    joint working arrangements between local authorities and other relevant partners, such as health, housing and the voluntary sector, to improve people’s well-being and the quality of the services, while reducing

  5. Age-related TV licence policy - February 2019.pdf

    services and promotion of fire safety; food; health and health services; highways and transport; housing; local government; public administration; social welfare; sport and recreation; tourism; town and

  6. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    Review Health and Social Care sector (continued) Work closely with other services e.g. health, housing, benefits and consider joint commissioning arrangements to minimise advocacy ‘silos’ and avoid people ... appropriateness of service specification and procurement processes. 23 Age Cymru, Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff, CF24 5TD Tel: 029 2043 1555 E-mail: enquiries@agecymru

  7. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    gennych, gallwch hefyd gysylltu â ni drwy anfon llythyr at: Age Cymru, Llawr Gwaelod, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Caerdydd CF24 5TD. Gwefan: Yn Lloegr ... wedi cofrestru yng Nghymru a Lloegr 6837284. Cyfeiriad swyddfa gofrestredig: Llawr Daear, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Caerdydd CF24 5TD. Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â phartneriaid

  8. Advocacy Newsletter March Eng 2020.pdf

    many things during our work and together have found innovative ways to overcome difficulties and move things forward so that advocacy is recognised as the important service that it is and is available ... The table of Local Authority Functions when provision of advocacy must be considered has been moved from 50 to Annex 3. The reference to Part 11 in the original has been corrected to Part 10 but should

  9. Commissioning IPA Toolkit English Oct 19.pdf

    financial help to his friends and neighbours, they are good company and help him with things around the house that need to be done. He was adamant that he knows exactly what he is doing, and the visit did not ... dialogue with key stakeholders and potential providers. • Work closely with other services (health, housing, benefits) and consider joint commissioning arrangements to minimise advocacy ‘silos’. • Jointly

  10. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    respondent said: For myself, the perfect travel is my bus pass, because I would not go out of my house because I could not afford the fare, therefore I would be eating not much because I could not afford ... nice to have a smile off the drivers now and again. I find the bus drivers pull up outside my house they are very good and they help me with my As many older people appreciate the social contact

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