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  1. RB_2013_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    show this as a relatively small group: 807,000 aged 55+, of whom 557,000 are 65 or over.2 This comes at a time when the internet is becoming ever more part of the fabric of society and where those who are ... reported year (2012), ONS estimate that 36% of single 65+ households and 69% of older couples (where at least one person is aged 65+) have internet access4. Most of the older users of the internet who

  2. Cost of caring for an ageing population - January 2018.pdf

    increase of just over 2,660 compared to November 20166). 7. In order to maintain the cost of caring at a manageable level, the Welsh Government must ensure that older people in every part of Wales can access ... for state-provided social care. Sadly, many carers and those they care for do not receive help until they are at crisis point. By this stage, not only are the health – physical and mental – and the financial

  3. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    increase of just over 2,660 compared to November 20166). 7. In order to maintain the cost of caring at a manageable level, the Welsh Government must ensure that older people in every part of Wales can access ... for state-provided social care. Sadly, many carers and those they care for do not receive help until they are at crisis point. By this stage, not only are the health – physical and mental – and the financial

  4. IG52.pdf

    Carer’s Allowance. But we have other guides about the practical and emotional support that may be helpful for you if you’re looking after someone: • Advice for carers • Caring for someone with dementia. ... give a loved one as their duty. But this doesn’t mean you’re not eligible for financial help. “I didn’t choose to help my partner, I just had to – so I can’t qualify for anything.” You don’t need to have

  5. CRS_Nov17_women_and_equalities_select_committee.pdf

    re-examined to ensure employers do not discriminate. o Lack of guidance – we recommend a ‘Career MOT at 50’ to help people evaluate their future career and learning options. o Increasing numbers of people have ... request available from the first day in a job. o The Government should introduce a statutory right to at least five days of Carers’ Leave, plus an additional period of unpaid leave. o There is also gender

  6. Utilities.pdf

    Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Utilities The person you’re helping may need support with paying for their energy or accessing emergency support during this time. Some ... person you’re supporting needs to top-up their pre pay meter, you can check where you can do this nearby at post office or PayPoint, or Payzone. • If the local Post Office is temporarily closed, then posters

  7. CRS_Nov15_NHS_Mandate_2016_17.pdf

    Square, London WC1H 9NA. Key points and recommendations  Age UK support the mandate’s aim of helping to make progress against the Five Year Forward View.  There are significant funding pressures across ... public and frequent users of the NHS in setting the department’s objectives and they should be involved at every stage of the process for measuring achievement against these objectives. 2. Consultation questions

  8. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    16% of working age adults and 42% of adults over State Pension age.3 Using FRS measures, in 2013/14, at age 60-64 a little under 30% of older adults have a disability but this doubles to around 60% for those ... so great, but women are still more likely to be disabled than men at all ages above age 25, with the difference being most noticeable at ages 45-55 and age 75 and above [Figure 1]. Despite increased longevity

  9. RB_Oct11_age_regulations_five_years_on.pdf

    Employment Equality (Age) Regulations were introduced in to UK law on 1 October 2006. They were aimed at securing the legal rights of older workers and engendering a cultural change towards more positive ... role to play in fostering good practice and changing attitudes. It can act as a catalyst for change.i At present, there is still a discrepancy between formal organisational policies (often implemented by

  10. age_cymru_maniffesto_CYM.pdf

    Covid. 1 Tlodi a llais pobl hŷn Beth yw’r sefyllfa? • Mae anghydraddoldeb parhaus o ran mynediad at eiriolaeth i’r holl bobl hŷn yng Nghymru • Mae 120,000 o bensiynwyr yng Nghymru yn byw mewn tlodi • ... 80,000 o aelwydydd yng Nghymru sy’n gymwys i gael Credyd Pensiwn yn eu hawlio • Mae diffyg mynediad at wasanaethau digidol yn her fawr i bobl hŷn. Dim ond 49% o bobl 75 oed neu hŷn sydd â mynediad i’r rhyngrwyd

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