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  1. Advocacy

    Age Cymru runs an advocacy project to help people participate and engage

  2. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    alone in their struggles and that there are lots of charities and government agencies out there willing to help which are handily listed at the back of the guide. Perhaps the first steps you can take towards

  3. Volunteers Week 2022

    Cardiff especially Rebecca she is always there to assist and help if I have an enquiry or a problem and will point me in the right direction. Age Cymru Volunteer "The benefits of volunteering can be enormous

  4. Random acts of kindness

    make someone’s day today and carry out a random act of kindness. One small act of kindness can and will make a huge difference. Feel free to share your acts of kindness with us on social media, we'd love

  5. Bereavement Support Payment

    has now passed. However, you can still make a claim and receive some backdated payments, but these will be much less than the full amount.  There are two different rates of BSP: If you're not responsible

  6. IICSA Presentation Advocacy Conference 2019 .pdf

    experience through the Truth Project. Participant will tell us if they wish to share their experience at a private session or in writing. Inquiry Office will respond via the participants preferred method ... of communication - email, phone or post Share your experience at a private session Inquiry Office will note preference for location, date, time, journey and any accompany companions and issue confirmation

  7. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers FINAL.pdf

    or informal carers that will come across older or vulnerable people at risk of a fall or having already fallen. Their assistance in managing situations or preventing a fall will be critical. Did you know ... 000 older people will fall more than once in their own home • • 8,100 will suffer a serious injury and end up in hospital • • 3,000 will need a hip replacement • • 1,500 will lose their independence

  8. Feeling well is not just about being physically fit and healthy - it's equally important to your overall health that you feel good mentally.

    Many of us enjoy having a drink now and again and it’s easy to try to convince ourselves that alcohol will make us feel better, but remember that alcohol is actually a depressant and can affect your mood.

  9. NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC)

    topics including: the process for deciding whether someone is eligible to receive it; how the services will be delivered for those who are eligible; and what to do if you are unhappy with the decision reached

  10. Seasonal Influenza (flu) vaccination

    make an appointment for your free flu vaccination. However, this year healthy 50 – 64 year olds will not be included in the NHS free vaccination programme, but you can still ask your local chemist for

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