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  1. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    s a source of  income as a last resort  for emergency support later in life.  • The Care Act 2014 will provide, for the first time a degree of certainty in the cost of residential care in older age including  ... portant as homeowners with children age. Britain is not  yet a ‘nation of inheritors’  because it will be some time yet before the cohort of new home owners from the 1980s onwards, pass on their wealth 

  2. BGF_Pilot_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    influences any changes observed. As a pilot that was initially envisaged to run for six months (it will run over an eight month period by the time the pilot phase ends) and attempting to deliver a new package ... previously very difficult remembering anything…can think of two in particular that regularly go…they will remember sequences of the exercise class and they can link it to a particular song that they heard

  3. RB_Jan16_Predicting_the_prevalence_of_loneliness_at_older_ages.pdf

    loneliness seem to be confined to specific subgroups of older people, such as nonusers of hearing aids and men (Pronk et al, 2013) Cross-national evidence suggests that loneliness in later life runs deeper ... macular degeneration, and cataract. Hearing condition. Self-reported hearing while using hearing aid, if appropriate. Options include “excellent” (reference group), “very good”, “good”, “fair”, and “poor”

  4. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    With Work Programme contracts ending in 2016, the DWP will soon begin designing ‘Work Programme 2’. It is not yet known exactly what this will constitute. It is particularly important that our recommendations ... recommendations are considered in the context of how they will fit into any future system. 2. Key points and policy recommendations • As the Government designs ‘Work Programme 2’, it must embed the Extending

  5. CRS_Sept15_Strengthening_incentive_to_save.pdf

    tax-exempt-exempt system gives us significant cause for concern that their counterparts in younger generations will suffer a serious disadvantage – and disincentive to save – if they have to pay tax on their pension ... food or ‘buy’ some pension income?’ is posed, because the latter is some distance in the future it will be deprioritised. While offering a form of government contribution could overcome some of this bias

  6. RB_Dec17_Painful_Journeys_InDepth_Report.pdf

    The alternatives to a regular bus service will depend on the arrangements made between the local authority, the NHS and the community transport sector – which will vary from place to place. However, some ... to consider the alternatives when a bus route is cut. There is hope that the Bus Services Act 2017 will improve the situation for selected local authorities with an elected mayor9. New transport partnerships

  7. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    is delighted to be partnering with Age UK for a second time to publish this report, which we hope will encourage commissioners to ask themselves whether they have referral policies in place that might ... partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons, we want to prompt the NHS to ask some of the questions that will help it to address these issues: Why are you 37 times more likely in one part of the country to have

  8. Health services and the NHS policy statement - February 2019.pdf

    health care, and driving up standards and quality to ensure older people in Wales can be confident they will receive safe, effective and dignified care in all settings. Summary of Public Policy Proposals General ... Local Health Board should clearly identify how the intended shift of resources to the community sector will be achieved in practice and the impact monitored. Care Homes  People who live in care homes have

  9. RB_April11_Evidence_Review_Healthy_Ageing.pdf

    reaching hard-to-reach groups, and has the potential to be sustained as a low-cost model. • There will be increasing pressure on costs and funding for services in the next five years, regardless of which ... funding to local authorities. It is likely that these commitments to prevention and public health will be severely tested when the inevitable reductions in acute hospital services start to bite, whichever

  10. RB_May15_Life_Offline.pdf

    the advantages that they are not currently aware of and become more interested in going online. It will, however, be necessary to ensure that attempts to encourage online use go beyond the provision of ... this audience, being forced online by withdrawal of alternative means of accessing goods and services will be very problematic, with a potentially damaging impact on health and wellbeing. o For those who

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