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  1. 2020 amendments WWU – English.pdf

    • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Since the original publication of this guide, COVID-19 has become a major health emergency, including for this winter. The situation with COVID-19 may be subject to frequent ... of the basic measures for protecting yourself are similar to the advice for flu contained in our guide, such as washing your hands regularly or using hand sanitizer. However, there are also additional

  2. Attendance Allowance

    application.  Attendance Allowance factsheet Attendance Allowance information guide More money in your pocket information guide For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  3. Feeling lonely

    better. For more information on looking after your mental health, we've a useful guide Your Mind Matters  - this guide looks at talking about mental health, the common symptoms of mental health problems

  4. Age at Work

    complete the Age-Inclusive Business Review Age-Inclusive Employer Toolkit This Toolkit provides a guide for employers to support staff over the age of 50 in relation to 4 key areas: Financial Wellbeing

  5. WWU - English.pdf

    AgeUKIG43 Creating an age friendly Wales Winter wrapped up A guide to keeping warm, safe and well this winter Health & wellbeing 2 Winter wrapped up Who we are Age Cymru is the national charity for older ... Advice can assist older people themselves, their family, friends, carers, or professionals. All of our guides and factsheets are available to download from our website, or you can contact our advice line to

  6. 14 Welcome to the care home team - optional template.pdf

    ----------------------------- Care Home Team! Who we are Key staff: Arrival and parking: Induction: we will guide you through the building to show the general layout, indoor and outdoor facilities, and the areas

  7. Advocacy Newsletter September 2016 English.pdf

    information site launched to improve well-being in Wales Getting the help you need from Social Services: A guide to the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 Page 11 Page 12 Advocacy in

  8. IG54.pdf

    use the same Council Tax Reduction scheme for people over State Pension age – which is what this guide focuses on. If you haven’t yet reached State Pension age, the scheme can vary between councils, so ... may still get some help. If you don’t currently claim Pension Credit, it’s a good idea to read our guide Pension Credit too. Even receiving a small amount can mean you’re eligible for other support. If you’re

  9. Newsletter Autumn 2021 English.pdf

    launched our free guide More money in your pocket that covers State Pension, Pension Credit, the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, Housing Benefit and help with heating costs. The guide looks at the range ... independent at home due to an illness or disability and Carer’s Allowance if you look after someone. The guide also covers help with health costs such as dental treatment, glasses or contact lenses and certain

  10. Age Cymru Advice

    Alternatively, you may be able to find the answers to your questions in our factsheets or information guides . Our guides provide an overview of a particular topic, whilst our factsheets provide more detailed, in-depth

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