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  1. Sign-up for our monthly e-newsletter

    Sign-up to receive our monthly e-newsletter called The loop for more information about Age Cymru.

  2. Policy

    Age Cymru produces public policy statements, evidence and consultation statements and statistics about major issues affecting older people in Wales

  3. Workplace pensions

    Heard about workplace pensions and auto-enrolment but aren't sure what that means for you? Find out more here.

  4. Rights at work

    Information about your rights in the workplace, including statutory employment rights, working time hours, holidays and sick pay.

  5. Care Home Volunteer Toolkit

    Our care home toolkit is a resource available to care homes about recruitment, training and supporting volunteers and care homes

  6. Advance care planning

    not able to let them know.  The Covid-19 pandemic has made a lot of us think more than ever about what’s important to us. Sadly, many people have died during the pandemic. We’ve heard ... planned for if we become frail or ill.     Having a conversation about your wishes   Thinking about this and talking to our loved ones can be difficult, but it doesn’t need

  7. Being scam aware.pdf

    to stay safe. Encourage them to: • Be sceptical if they receive an email, text or WhatsApp message about the Coronavirus, and never click on any attachments or links. • Never provide personal data such as ... money through transfer agents. • Never hand over their cash, cards or bank details, particularly to someone they don’t know. There are many safer ways to pay for their goods. See Paying for goods and services

  8. Age Cymru fundraising charter 2019.pdf

    We’ll never pass on your personal data to other organisations or charities and will only contact you about products and services provided and/or offered by the Age Cymru Network, if you have agreed for us ... ‘cold call’ people for fundraising purposes. ‘Cold calling’ involves a company or business calling someone with whom they’ve had no prior contact. We only call people who have supported us in the past or

  9. Contact Age Cymru

    Find out about the different ways you can contact Age Cymru, whether it's to get inforamtion and advice on money or care, ask about donations or something else.

  10. Age Cymru Pembrokeshire

    If you live in the Pembrokeshire area, find out more information about how Age Cymru can help you.

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