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  1. Safe to be me - Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services - A resource pack for professionals.pdf

    referred to simply as a woman or a man. Who is bisexual? Bisexual, or bi, people are attracted to both women and men. Being bisexual is about identity rather than behaviour, so it isn’t necessary for someone ... Member of Opening Doors London 6 7 Who is gay? The word gay is used by, and to describe, both men and women but is more commonly associated with men. It has been used since the 1960s as a way of distancing

  2. Age Cymru response Bereavement Care in Wales 17th May 2021 .pdf

    that men and women deal with bereavement in different ways due to gender stereotypes.4 56 Older people due to their history are more likely to ‘conform’ to stereotypical responses. Whilst women are more likely ... As such there is the possibility that men may require higher levels of formal support than women. Men and women may find different forms of support work best for them, and as such this needs considering

  3. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    5% for those aged 60–69 years to 65% for those aged 90 or over. Frailty occurs more frequently in women than in men (16% versus 12%). Mobility difficulties are very common with 93% of frail individuals ... that, worldwide, older women are more likely to be disabled than older men. This is not just because women live longer. Within any older age group, overall internationally, women are much more likely to

  4. CRS_Oct15_Refreshing_Public_health_outcomes_framework.pdf

    of years of life left and women 11.9%viii. Today, men have 13.0% of their lives left and women have 14.8%ix. Thirty years ago, men aged 85 had 4.9% of their lives left and women 5.9%, whereas today men have ... have 6.4% of their lives left at age 85, and women have 7.4%x. This proposal would be more in line with current trends in life expectancy, although it would again impose an upper age limit with potential

  5. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    correct labour market inequalities. There is also an interesting gender split, with women generally faring worse than men. Women typically have shorter spells of unemployment, so it’s unclear why this differential ... over 55s are 45.3 per cent lower than for the under 55s. The difference is exacerbated among 55+ women, who achieve less than half the proportion of successful job outcomes than their under 55 counterparts

  6. FS16.pdf

    referred to as trans, transgender, or transsexual. They may simply wish to be referred to as men or women. Sexual orientation of trans people Sexual orientation describes a person’s sexual attraction to another ... must be shown that any action taken is proportionate in meeting a legitimate aim. For example, a women’s refuge may provide single sex services to females and in doing so, exclude, modify or limit access

  7. RB_June14_ppi_financial_resilience_of_recently_retired.pdf

    labour market increased from 63.8 years to 64.6 years for men and from 61.2 years to 62.3 years for women.2 This is likely to be an on-going trend. Around two-thirds of workers over SPA are currently in part-time ... note will typically focus on those groups within 10 years of reaching SPA (currently 61 and over for women, and 65 and over for men), and those groups under the age of 75. There are approximately 6 million

  8. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    Operation Jasmine13]. The Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015 aims to improve the public sector response to violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence. ... (2017) In Brief. Is the Violence against Women (Wales) Act 2015 working? 10 February 2017. 6 scope of

  9. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    labour market inequalities. There is also a clear gender difference, with 50+ women faring worse than men. Typically women have shorter spells of unemployment, so it’s unclear why this differential occurs ... related breaks and struggling to find work. It is worth noting that older women are at a particular disadvantage. 35-49 year old women are more likely than their male counterparts to find work, however this

  10. IG15.pdf

    develop stress incontinence after a prostate operation. However, stress incontinence is more common in women because the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder, uterus and large bowel, can be stretched ... incontinence can also be caused by muscle weakness or damage to the muscles that control the anus. Some women who experience muscle damage in childbirth can develop control problems later in life. “I started

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