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  1. Comments compliments and complaints procedure (2).pdf

    1 Age Cymru comments, compliments and complaints procedure Who can comment, compliment or complain? This procedure can be used by any person or organisation to make a comment, compliment or complaint ... services or staffi. What can the comment, compliment or complaint be about? Comments, compliments and complaints can cover any aspect of the work of Age Cymru, including: • any activity undertaken by

  2. Information and Guidance Officer JD.pdf

    Page 1 of 3 Role Description Job Title: Information and Guidance Officer Location: Cardiff Contractual Status of Role: Full time, 35 hours per week Job Title of Line Manager: Service Manager (ACAL) ... accurate, impartial and comprehensive information and guidance by telephone, email or letter to enquirers to Age Cymru Advice. Main Responsibilities: • Providing relevant general information and guidance to

  3. Equalities and diversity monitoring form.docx

    Confidence EQUALITIES AND DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM Age Cymru is strongly committed to equality and diversity. This commitment is fundamental to the achievement of Age Cymru’s vision and objectives. So that ... succeeding in promoting equality and diversity, we would be grateful if you would complete this fully anonymised monitoring form. The information gained from this form will be used for evaluation purposes

  4. How to trace lost money

    You may have policies or accounts you don't know about. This guide will show you how to trace lost assets.

  5. Annuities

    Annuities offer an income in later life. When you approach retirement, will you cash in your pension pot or get a lifetime annuity? Get information about the options.

  6. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    2Report of Trustees and Annual Accounts 2013/14 Love later life Report of Trustees and Annual Accounts 2013/14 ‘You need a philosophy for life – a combination of peace, happiness and positivity.’ Nicole ... for everyone and, of course, the challenges and the demands are different for everyone too. At Age UK we are many things to many people – a source of advice, information, companionship and support. But

  7. Grant application and delivery support form.pdf

    1 Project 360° grant programme 2019 – 2020 Application and Delivery Guidelines About these guidelines Read these notes carefully before you complete the online ‘GIFTS Request Form’. Should you have ... The deadline for submitting your application is Tuesday 18 June 2019. The system will not accept late applications so please ensure you submit your application on time. Contents Section

  8. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    ...................................................................................... 14 3. Aims and objectives ....................................................................................... ... to the many people that supported us to facilitate this piece of research, namely:  Marcus Green and Ben Carpenter at Age UK  Dr Alice Mathers, Online Centres Foundation  Gabrielle Woodhams, UK Online

  9. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    K eeping bus services free and sustainable Getting out and about 1 Summary 2 Age UK recommendations 5 Bus services 6 Conclusions 17 Notes 18 Contents Age UK launched in April 2010 with the aim of improving ... improving later life for people in the UK and around the world through our information and advice, campaigns, products, training and research. Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI launched at the same time. There

  10. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Discrimination and Human Rights August 2016 Summary Negative attitudes towards older people and ageing are pervasive in our society. In common with most other forms of discrimination ... discrimination, ageism is based on inaccurate stereotypes, and often in the case of older people, assumptions about a person’s ability and competence due to their age. An effect of ageism is that older people

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