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  1. How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses

    repay it within 12 months. Repayments will be taken from your Universal Credit payments until the advance is paid back. You’ll be told how much your payments will be reduced by. Contact Jobcentre Plus ... a type of loan and repayments will be taken from your benefit payments until the advance amount is completely paid back. You’ll be told how much your payments will be reduced by. To apply for a short

  2. Become a Community Assistance Volunteer

    Volunteers work with the older person to move them forwards. Who are we looking for? Anyone who is willing to support an older person in their community, giving an hour or more of their time once a week.   ... suits them, volunteers give service users time and space, listen to their story, hear concerns and offer reflection and support to help them find their own way forward. Who are we looking for? We’re

  3. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    Further information 1. Programme Overview 1. The Wales ‘Ffrind mewn Angen’ ‘Friend in Need’ scheme will enable a person needing support to identify supporters who would help them during the Coronavirus ... and quarantine requirements may mean that more telephone, commodity ‘drop off’ and virtual support will be necessary with Coronavirus than was the case for ‘swine flu’. No face to face contact with the

  4. Rights at work

    have to be written for you to have rights – if there is no piece of paper, what was agreed verbally will apply. Self-employed You’re self-employed if you: run your own business and take responsibility for ... if most of these apply: you occasionally work for a specific business the business doesn’t have to offer you work and you don’t have to accept it - you only work when you want to your contract with the business

  5. RB_2012_Falls_prevention_Dont_Mention_the_F_Word.pdf

    (for example, to do balance training) if they can personally choose the advice and activities that will suit their particular abilities, needs, priorities and lifestyle. Also, it should be acknowledged ... enjoyable, habitual part of daily life, especially if they are given explanations for the advice offered. Q What sort of advice tends to be received most negatively? A Advice about hazard reduction may

  6. RB_Aug16_Age_UK_Briefing_Bank_Branch_Closures.pdf

    people – an important component of tackling loneliness in our communities. In-branch banking also offers peace of mind and the security of seeing bank transactions take place and receiving a paper record ... alternative in many cases, with older people being a significant customer base, some post offices will need to be upgraded in terms of facilities and staff training for this solution to work properly and

  7. How to adjust to living alone

    be based on a certain occupation, religion, health problems or disability. To find charities that offer financial help, contact Turn2us or . Often people find it difficult to ... something new. Find out if there’s a branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A) near you. These offer courses for retired people in subject areas including arts and crafts, history and computers, as well

  8. Advocacy Services in Wrexham.pdf

    Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Children and Young People ASNEW - Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy to anyone over 18 with ... DEWIS CIL 01492 588366 ASNEW - Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Learning Disability Physical disability Sensory

  9. Cookies

    Read Age Cymru's policy on using cookies, including a list of cookies we use on our website.

  10. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    become a victim of scams. Scams will not disappear without large-scale, systemic change. Until then, we must work to build resilience to fraud across our society. This will not be easy and we believe that ... Trading Standards reimbursement toolkit. For advice on scams: Citizens Advice Consumer Service can offer support if you or someone you know has been the victim of a scam. You can visit the Citizens Advice

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