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  1. Spring 2024 - English.pdf

    The deadline for completed surveys is Friday 29 March 2024 Contact Michael Phillips for an informal chat on 07794 366 224, 029 2043 1555 or email 4 The quarterly newsletter ... The social element is just as important for the walkers, with most walks ending with a cuppa and a chat. And don’t worry if you’ve never led a group previously as all volunteers are given full training

  2. Newsletter v6.pdf

    launched our Check in and Chat service to provide some reassurances, answer basic queries and link people to local services and support. While some people just wanted to have a chat about the everyday things ... things such as what they saw on television the previous night. Check in and Chat has been hugely popular and we have made more than 14,000 calls to approximately 700 older people in Wales. We were delighted

  3. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    Cymru Advice has doubled the usual number of people it would help and support, while our Check in and Chat service, made nearly 22,000 calls to lonely older people. Our ‘Friends In Need’ service is off to ... represented.” 5The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Autumn Edition 2020 Age Cymru’s Check in and Chat service makes nearly 22,000 calls during pandemic When Covid 19 swept across Wales in March 2020 many

  4. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    someone you know, could benefit from advocacy support then why not get in touch with us for an informal chat about the process using the contact details below? To download a free copy of Advocacy 8 or for more ... (veteran) and Tony Bird (veteran) 10 The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Summer Edition 2022 Come and chat to us at one of our community coffee mornings Age Cymru is running a series of community coffee mornings

  5. CRS_Sept14_Personal_independence_payment_independent_review.pdf

    reach around 5 million people a year. Nationally we provide information through written guides and web based materials, and run a telephone, email and postal advice service. There are nearly 170 local ... the first four months of this financial year at a national level we had 920 requests for written or web based information about PIP (compared to 6700 on Attendance Allowance) while local Age UKs dealt with

  6. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    Queen’s Lane, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1XB Tel: 07931 904 734 Email: Web site: I.2) TYPE OF ORGANISATION AND MAIN ACTIVITY OR ACTIVITIES: Voluntary organisation

  7. FS37w.pdf

    sort out paperwork that accumulated while you were in hospital);  keep in touch and arrange regular chats or friendship calls;  safety checks to ensure you are managing on your own;  carry out essential ... NHS 111 Wales NHS 111 Wales can provide contact details for local services and telephone or web advice on health issues and common illnesses. Tel: 111 Website: Older People’s

  8. CRS_May17_ submission_to_CMA_on_DCT_market_study.pdf

    difficult for people to use online services.  DCTs need to be designed with this in mind. RNIB recommends Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.11 Voice recognition could make DCTs more user-friendly. Dexterity ... older can exacerbate difficulties dealing with novel or complex information. (Age UK’s ‘Staying Sharp’ web resource explains how thinking skills change with age.14)  DCTs should present information in as clear

  9. Age Cymru English - Evaluation report.pdf

    corner. Resident I think it is a marvellous way to get to know other residents, once they start to chat over different topics it brings back many memories from the past. Daughter of a resident The residents ... For-professionals/Research/AgeUK-Wellbeing-Index-Summary-web. pdf?dtrk=true 9 Baring Foundation (2011) Creative Homes: How can the Arts contribute to quality of

  10. IL5.pdf

    social areas with furniture arranged to allow small groups to socialise? n Are staff sitting and chatting with the residents? n Would your relative feel comfortable socialising in the home’s common areas

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