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  1. envisage15_English.pdf

    income countries’, such as the UK, USA and Japan, have been ageing and shrinking. Lower fertility rates meant that there were fewer younger people entering work, whilst the availability of relatively generous ... In response to this many governments enacted reforms to increase the labour market participation rates of older workers up to and beyond State Pension ages. The result has been a fundamental shift from

  2. Support for Mortgage Interest

    your loan or mortgage (or up to £100,000 if you receive Pension Credit). Interest is calculated at a rate of 1.7%. In most cases, the SMI payment is made directly to your lender. You may be eligible for SMI

  3. Community Calculator

    food, access money and attend medical appointments. However, more than a third of the respondents rated the pavements in their community with a score of just three or less out of ten. Older people told

  4. Human rights project

    Age Cymru advice line. You can speak in Welsh or English, call us on 0300 303 44 98 charged at local rate (open between 9:00am and 4:00pm, Monday - Friday). Email us at

  5. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    rents and as a result may find their standard of living declining or savings falling at a much higher rate than anticipated. Uncertainty over benefits Older social tenants have been mostly protected from

  6. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    this is the income remaining once people have paid certain costs such as rent, mortgage interest and water charges. To compare living standards of different size households, income is adjusted to take into ... 1.9 million pensioners (16 percent) are living in relative poverty. The chart below shows poverty rates before, and after, housing costs. It can be seen that the numbers of pensioners in poverty has fallen

  7. TV licence concessions

    Licensing. Once you’re registered, all your TV licence renewals will be at the concessionary rate. You’ll need to provide: a photocopy of the certificate from your local authority ophthalmologist

  8. Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners

    open air swimming pool. We used to make our own sherbet pop with sherbet from Woolworths, mixed with water. It was wonderfully sticky and sweet!' (Anon) "My most favourite trip was an anniversary surprise

  9. Managing your money in Winter

    and your heating works properly. Draught proof doors and windows, insulate the loft, lag the hot-water tank and pipes, and consider getting cavity-wall insulation Have your heating system serviced every

  10. FS43.pdf

    charge’) 13 7 Paying for legal advice and representation 14 7.1 Fixed fees 14 7.2 Charges based on hourly rate 14 7.3 Legal expenses insurance 15 7.4 Conditional fee agreements (CFA, or ‘no win, no fee’) 15 8 ... 169 65 65 (free call, daily 8am to 7pm). In Wales, call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98 (local rate charges, Mon-Fri 9am-4pm). Alternatively, visit (England) or

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