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  1. CRS_March17_review_automatic_enrolment.pdf

    contribution increases, in the same way as it has done for increases in State Pension Age, so that employers have time to plan ahead.  Adequacy can, however, be improved by ensuring that savings continue ... reason why Government should not exclude labour sectors with a transient workforce – as they often employ younger people who need to get the saving habit early, even if initial amounts are very small. The

  2. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    predominant form of disability in older age is a problem with mobility [Figure 4]. Disability and employment in older age The Labour Force Survey Household Dataset for the fourth quarter of 2015 [Figure 5] ... that, at all ages from age 16 up to state pension age, disabled people are less likely to be in employment than non-disabled people, although the gap narrows from age 55 onwards. This is likely to have

  3. 20200212 OPC SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Work to ensure that older people do not face discrimination in the workplace Age discrimination in employment remains widespread despite the introduction of the Equality Act 2010. We believe that everyone

  4. RB_Dec14_What_next_for_generation_R.pdf

    people (here defined as 50 to 64 year olds) are seen as a lucky generation: they have enjoyed high employment rates over much of their working lives and many were able to get onto the housing ladder in time ... The importance of a mobile pension pot has never been greater as employees more regularly change employers. However, enrolled workers will have to save more than the minimum required amounts if they are

  5. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    means that many tasks can in fact be performed better as people age, and raises challenges for employers about how best to utilise individuals’ skills and abilities.  Recognising the challenges faced ... individual productivity.  In light of all the evidence considered in this literature review, employers need to reconsider their existing workforce and HR strategies, and to develop more effective retirement

  6. CRS_Aug15_WP_Committee_Welfare_to_Work.pdf

    its successor programme is an excellent opportunity to ensure that the future system can meet the employment support needs of all disadvantaged jobseekers. This includes the over 50s, who experience significantly ... under-qualified because they obtained their skills and qualifications a long time ago.” 4 1.6 The report, ‘Employment Support for Unemployed Older People’, is available on the Age UK website.ii 1.7 This submission

  7. 20221214 Climate change engagement - Age Cymru response.pdf

    older people about proposals for shared spaces, to avoid exclusion as a result of poor design. Employment Welsh Government need to give due consideration of the needs of people aged 50 or over, and fully ... UK - Office for National Statistics ( 6 Centre for Ageing Better (2020) A mid-life employment crisis: How COVID-19 will affect the job prospects of older workers report (https://ageing-better

  8. CRS_Dec13_Reshaping_workplace_pensions_future_generations.pdf

    innovation is desirable in principle, in practice – particularly for workplace pensions where the employer is the purchaser and the end user of the pension has no control over choice - it is possible for ... agree that a DA scheme needs to address consumer needs – but the difference in influence between employers and scheme members must be acknowledged. Scheme members rarely have any choice over the scheme used

  9. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances.pdf

    potential to re-engage people in the skills and training system, and to help more people move into employment. • It is an important component of the policy to extend working lives because it will allow people ... In addition, providers must be able to respond flexibly and promptly to changes in learner and employer requirements, if the Government is to achieve its aim of implementing a fully demand-led system

  10. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    months, and from people who are struggling with poor mental and physical health. Experiences of employment during the three months was also featured. Cost of living has been an increasingly worrying issue ... 2022 Journal spotlights employment and older people The next edition of Age Cymru’s EnvisAGE, the Charity’s discussion journal, shines a spotlight on older people and employment. Experts have contributed

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