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  1. 5 FAQ for Care home volunteers.pdf

    3. What training will I receive? You’ll be trained in essential subjects like Safeguarding and Dementia awareness. You’ll also receive specific training for taking part with the activities at the care

  2. Carers Rights A4 Welsh.pdf

    modelau gwasanaeth ar sail unigolion i adnabod anghenion gofalwyr hŷn a gofalwyr pobl sy’n dioddef â dementia, a bodloni eu hanghenion yn well, wedi’i ariannu gan Grant i’r Trydydd Sector ar gyfer Gwasanaethau

  3. 20210419 Care Home Visiting profile.pdf

    Appreciation of mobility restrictions and how best to be able to support older people • understanding dementia and how it affects those diagnosed and their families • A chance to make a real difference by bringing

  4. Care Home Visiting profile - English - amended Dec 2021.pdf

    Appreciation of mobility restrictions and how best to be able to support older people • understanding dementia and how it affects those diagnosed and their families • A chance to make a real difference by bringing

  5. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    _______________________ If you are a resident living in a care home: Do you have a diagnosis of dementia? Yes No If you are a staff member working in a care home: How long have you worked here? ___

  6. Register for a friendship call

    suitable for? The telephone befriending service may not be suitable for people with memory loss, dementia or mental health issues who require higher level support. These conditions may affect the person's

  7. Why are we still waiting? Delays in social care in Wales

    annual report on delays in access to social care in Wales for people aged 55 and over. Last year our dementia advocacy project, HOPE (Helping others participate and engage) advocacy project and Age Cymru Advice

  8. IG48.pdf

    AgeUKIG48 From concerns and diagnosis to support and future care. Living with dementia. 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by ... reviewed by Dementia UK. Published: June 2023. 3 Contents What this guide is about. 4. What is dementia? Symptoms to look out for. 6. Diagnosis and support. Seeing your doctor. 9. What if it is dementia? 10.

  9. Age Cymru Hope Project Leaflet NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - update Dec22.pdf

    discharge, care and support planning and assessments • Supporting people who lack capacity. Our Dementia Advocacy Project can help with this • Giving advice of any kind. Advocates support you to make your ... cynllunio gofal a chymorth ac asesiadau • Cefnogi pobl sydd heb allu. Gall ein Prosiect Eiriolaeth Dementia helpu gyda hyn. • Rhoi cyngor o unrhyw fath. Mae eiriolwyr yn eich cefnogi i wneud eich penderfyniadau

  10. IL5.pdf

    How are staff trained, how often and by whom? Are all staff trained in caring for residents with dementia? n Do the staff have care qualifications? n Is there a high staff turnover? (If so, this could be ... residents, and is there a charge for this? n How does the home support those with sensory impairments or dementia? n How does the home let family or friends know if a resident is taken ill? n Can the home offer

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