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  1. Age Cymru written submission following oral evidence session on Care Home Commissioning.pdf

    about the Auditor General’s recent report on Direct Payments for adult social care, including issues of concern around the interface between direct payments and access to NHS continuing healthcare. We have ... have the following comments to make regarding the use of direct payments for older people. In order to increase the use of direct payments where it is the older person’s choice to use this option to meet

  2. The new State Pension

    The new State Pension is a regular payment from Government that most people can claim in later life. You can claim the new State Pension at State Pension age if you have at least 10 years National Insurance

  3. The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

    current scheme. People under 65 in receipt of the mobility component of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and its Disability Living Allowance (DLA) equivalent are automatically entitled to a blue badge

  4. Sheltered housing and extra-care housing

    and the area you live in. Some will be more expensive than others. As well as rent and/or mortgage payments, you have to pay Council Tax, water rates and energy bills and you usually have to pay a regular

  5. Doorstep scams

    or let anyone persuade you to hand over your bank card or go to the bank to withdraw cash for a payment Check their credentials. You should always check a seller or trader’s credentials before agreeing

  6. Information for carers (if you help a relative or friend)

    Also, the person you care for may be eligible for Attendance Allowance or Personal Independence Payment , depending on their age. There are specialist organisations who can give advice and information

  7. RB_Nov15_Financial_Abuse_Evidence_Review.pdf

    All in all, service providers have considerable difficulty in detecting financial abuse.123 124 125 Among the reasons given by the research for this difficulty are older people not reporting abuse, a ... investigate financial abuse properly, including collecting evidence. 284  Personal Budgets and Direct Payments are a major potential source of financial abuse,285 so this should be part of the risk assessment

  8. Attendance Allowance

    State Pension age then you may be able to claim a different benefit called Personal Independence Payment . You could get: £72.65 a week  if you need help either in the day or at night £108

  9. RB_2014_Age_UK_Poverty_in_Later_Life.pdf

    2011/12 in monetary terms 60 per cent of median household income (AHC) is £215 per week for couples and £125 for single-person households. 5 Age UK Poverty Evidence Review 2014 Matthew Norton and Sally West ... informal support from family and friends, as well as support from government in the form of welfare payments, free bus passes, free prescriptions and support from local authorities had a significant positive

  10. RB_Feb17_The_Health_and_Care_of_Older_People_in_England_2017.pdf

    social care as it was not possible to separate other important elements such as spending on Direct Payments which is a form of public expenditure of interest in this report [doesn’t apply post SALT]. i (1) ... partial or full contribution to residential/nursing/domiciliary care. It does not include top-up payments from a third party. (3) NHS income includes reimbursement from any health body. Expenditure resulting

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