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  1. FAQ.pdf

    receive? Age Cymru will offer you training in essential subjects like Safeguarding and further details about becoming an Age Cymru volunteer. You’ll also receive training specific to this role. All training

  2. FAQ - care home volunteer project.pdf

    What training will I receive? Age Cymru will offer you Safeguarding training and further details about becoming an Age Cymru volunteer. You’ll also receive training specific to this role. All training

  3. Age Cymru English - Evaluation report.pdf

    Assembly politicians and with Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers to grow the provision of Arts and Health interventions in the lives of the people of Wales. The contribution of the arts to the social care ... homes even further. For more information about cARTrefu II, please contact the Project Coordinator, Reg Noyes: For more information about the cARTrefu evaluation, please contact

  4. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    implications for physical and mental health. People may become increasingly isolated in later life for diverse reasons, including retirement, bereavement, ill health, a lack of local services or transport ... their home, resulting in chronic loneliness and what we increasingly understand to be the severe health impacts associated with this. Local services and amenities A vital aspect of creating an Age Friendly

  5. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_071215.pdf

    Rachael Maskell MP Chair of the meeting: Baroness Jolly Guest Speakers: Cllr Rachael Eden, LGA Health and Wellbeing Board/Reading Borough Council; Shelley Ames, Active Norfolk; Moira Pendlebury, Age ... that in Reading she led an Older People’s Consultation Group, where there were regular discussions about bus routes, budget consultations, etc. Baroness Jolly introduced the second speaker, Shelley Ames

  6. Population Assessment Leads Briefing_E(2).pdf

    Social Care Wales / SSIA Population Assessment Toolkit. The briefing provides some basic information about the role of advocacy and the legal requirements that have been placed on local authorities. Key recommendation ... ensuring that their rights are upheld. In contrast to the role of other professionals in social care and health, who are required by law to act in individuals’ best interests, advocacy focuses primarily on supporting

  7. RB_June14_Mercer_Improving_income_retirement_recently_retired.pdf

    FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION Page 2 However, we still feel that individuals need to think carefully about their retirement income needs and the risks of not achieving them. To assist individuals, the amount ... plan or securing an annuity with a portion of retirement savings. Whilst there is now uncertainty about the future evolution of the annuity market in a post Budget world, there is scope for more innovation

  8. Paying for goods.pdf

    cash or to pay for goods and services whilst they’re isolating at home. Many people will be anxious about how to access funds to pay for shopping/goods. To help reduce this anxiety you should; • Provide the ... safely access cash and pay for goods and services that you can let the person you’re supporting know about: • A number of local shops and services will allow payment over the phone before pick up. • Money

  9. 20210907 Climate Change Environment Infrastructure Cttee - Age Cymru response (005).pdf

    bus services, and a lack of public transport in rural areas. The need for more direct bus routes to health services was also raised. Concerns were also raised over the frequency and reliability of bus services ... Welsh Government’s consultation on the Llwybr Newydd transport strategy), we would have concerns about the financial impact on older people that depend on a car as the only practical form of independent

  10. Fuel Poverty policy statement - October 2017.pdf

    or more of household income on fuel to maintain a heating regime adequate to safeguard comfort and health. Around 291,000 households were estimated to be in fuel poverty in 2016, equivalent to 23% of households ... number of low income homes to a minimum EPC rating of C each year.  The Welsh Government and Public Health Wales should adopt the NICE guidelines on tackling excess winter deaths as a priority.  Given the

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