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  1. CRS_Dec11_Building_mutual_post_office.pdf

    response form You can also respond online to this consultation at or email responses to The Department may, in accordance with the Code of ... Practice on Access to Government Information, make available, on public request, individual responses. The closing date for this consultation is 12 December 2011 -------------------------------------------

  2. CRS_Sept15_Care_of_the_dying_adult.pdf

    Care of the Dying Adult Consultation on draft guideline – deadline for comments 5pm on 09/09/2015 email: Please return to: Please ... Please read the checklist for submitting comments at the end of this form. We cannot accept forms that are not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views on these questions: 1. Which areas will

  3. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    Understanding the oldest old. Project editors: Dr Susan Davidson, Professor James Goodwin, and Phil Rossall Age UK works to improve later life for the 14 million older people in the UK. We do this by addressing ... forms. We also speak for the long-term interests of every one of us, so that experiences of ageing grow better for each passing generation. Improving later life. Understanding the oldest old. 4 Welcome

  4. RB_March13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    • If the Government is serious about extending working lives, it must make sure that everyone who wants to and is capable of working can do so, regardless of age. This includes ensuring that the Work Programme ... Programme delivers for its older participants. • The Work Programme has been less effective at helping the over 55s than younger age groups. • However, the Work Programme is a labour market tool which can

  5. Expert Clas - Adcocacy under the Act.pdf

  6. Spread the Warmth Myth-Busting leaflet - Welsh.pdf

    gydol y flwyddyn. ‘Byddaf dim ond yn teimlo’r fantais o insiwleiddio yn y gaeaf.’ Cysylltwch â’ch Age Cymru lleol am wiriad budd-daliadau, i gael gwybod pa gymorth ariannol sydd ar gael ac i weld a ydych ... gyfer fy iechyd.’ Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Ewch i www.agecymru. neu cysylltwch â Cyngor Age Cymru 08000 223 444 am mwy o wybodaeth

  7. Nomination form for change maker.docx

    ……………………………………………………………………… Name of person you’re nominating ……………………………………… …..Please tell us the town they live in ………………………………………… Please tell us why you’re nominating them?........................ ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England

  8. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    UNDERSTANDING THE LIVES OF OLDER PEOPLE LIVING WITH FRAILTY A QUALITATIVE INVESTIGATION IPSOS MORI FOR AGE UK MARCH 2014 UNDERSTANDING THE LIVES OF OLDER PEOPLE | IPSOS MORI FOR AGE UK Page | 3 CONTENTS ... ........................................................................... 3 Foreword written by Age UK .................................................. 5 Introduction .............................

  9. 20190821 CHC Consultation Response.pdf

    national framework for continuing NHS healthcare The Welsh Government August 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older ... access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We

  10. Discrimination and rights

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