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  1. Pecyn adnoddau addysg ymwybyddiaeth o gwympiadau-Cyfnod allweddol 2.pdf

    Pecyn adnoddau addysg ymwybyddiaeth o gwympiadau Cyfnod allweddol 2 2 Pecyn adnoddau addysg ymwybyddiaeth o gwympiadau Sut i ddefnyddio’r adnodd hwn Cwympo yw prif achos niweidiau, yn enwedig ymhlith oedolion. Ond nid yw cwympo’n rhan anochel o fynd yn hŷn. Mae nifer o bethau gall pobl hŷn, a’r bobl o’u cwmpas, wneud er mwyn lleihau’r risg o gwympo. Cynlluniwyd yr adnodd hwn er mwyn helpu plant

  2. Age Matters - Summer 2023 - Quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru.pdf

    Age Matters The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Summer 2023 Age Matters The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales 2 The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Summer edition 2023 Welcome Welcome to our Summer edition of Age Matters. In this edition you can find out about our Big Step fundraiser. We

  3. Gateway - Drawing with nature outdoors (1) - website.pdf

  4. Take Action Today-a5 Flyer English.pdf

  5. Blueprint for older people in Wales.pdf

    1 A blueprint for older people in Wales 2024 2 Introduction This General Election matters for older people. Worn down by the pandemic and cost of living crisis, many are yearning for a more positive future for themselves, their families and generations to come – and are eager to help bring it about. According to the 2021 Census Data, approximately 1,300,100 people who live in Wales are aged 50 or

  6. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers-Welsh FINAL.pdf

    Care & Repair Cymru Canllawiau i Ofalwyr ar Gwympiadau Yn aml eu perthnasau neu ofalwyr anffurfiol fydd yn canfod pobl hŷn neubobl fregus sydd mewn risg o gwympo neu sydd eisoes wedi cwympo. Bydd eu cymorth i drin sefyllfaoedd neu atal cwympiad yn hollbwysig. Wyddech chi? • • Bod pobl hŷn sydd wedi cwympo ymhlith y tri phrif reswm pam y gelwir ambiwlans. • • Os ydych wedi cwympo

  7. Human Rights Toolkits V8.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Human Rights are Lifetime Rights Introduction Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we’re human. They embody the key values which underpin our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect. They are an important means of protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation. Most importantly,

  8. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    AgeUKIG51 Getting your affairs in order and thinking about your care needs Thinking about end of life 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our Readers’ Panel. You don’t need any specialist knowledge at all. Join our Readers’ Panel at 2) Tell us your story. We want to include real

  9. Age Cymru Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 FINAL E.pdf

    Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 Creating an age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 2 In June 2020, a survey was carried out of advocates to gather evidence of the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. This resulted in the Valuing Voices in Wales: Protecting Rights Through the Pandemic and Beyond report1. A year on from that survey, the

  10. LLP Price List February 2022.pdf

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