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  1. RB_July16_Walking_the_tightrope.pdf

    in their 40s, 50s and 60s are often termed the ‘sandwich generation’ due to the growing numbers engaged in care for both younger and older generations. A study undertaken in 2014, looking at the life experiences

  2. RB_Oct15_Age_UK_almanac.pdf

    prescription of a cholinesterase or other cognitive enhancer and the benefits of a diagnosis in helping plan for the future (Waldemar et al., 2007). However, other authors note a lack of evidence to justify ... 34% had a record of depression. This underlines the need to consider all conditions together when planning care and services: most older people’s health problems do not fit neatly into a single disease category

  3. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    gorau o’u hymddeoliad. A rydym yn gweithio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored i gynllunio cwrs ‘Retirement Planning Made Easy’ yn rhad ac am ddim. Bydd yn egluro’r camau sydd angen eu cymryd i ddeall faint sydd ei

  4. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    gorau o’u hymddeoliad. A rydym yn gweithio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored i gynllunio cwrs ‘Retirement Planning Made Easy’ yn rhad ac am ddim. Bydd yn egluro’r camau sydd angen eu cymryd i ddeall faint sydd ei

  5. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2015).  Environment-person interactions enabling walking in later life. Transport Planning & Technology 38(1), 44-61.  Musselwhite, C. and Haddad, H. (2008). Prolonging safe driving through

  6. Friend In Need Resource Welsh.pdf

    cynllun mewn argyfwng, gweler: https://www. Cefnogaeth gyda gofalu am rywun gartref Os oes rhywun yr ydych chi’n ei gefnogi fel ‘Cyfaill’ angen

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