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  1. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    voluntary sector services that could help with non-clinical aspects of their care such as help at home or respite for carers. We would encourage health services to signpost these wherever possible and

  2. FS46w - Welsh.pdf

    sef Cael offer anabledd ac addasiadau i’r cartref yng Nghymru.  Taflen Ffeithiau 67 gan Age UK, sef Home improvements and repairs. 10 Gwasanaethau a ddylai gael eu darparu yn rhad ac am ddim Fel y nodwyd

  3. envisage15_English.pdf

    work as one that is flexible, so that you can balance your responsibilities at work with those at home, whether that’s caring for parents, children, or grandchildren. With this new office and our other

  4. envisage15_English.pdf

    work as one that is flexible, so that you can balance your responsibilities at work with those at home, whether that’s caring for parents, children, or grandchildren. With this new office and our other

  5. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf

    trydanol neu i ddod o hyd i drydanwr cofrestredig. Ewch i'w gwefan i lawrlwytho Electrical safety in the home: A guide for older people and their relatives. 2.5 Diogelu eich drysau a ffenestri Gall rhai rhagolygon

  6. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    will no longer pay National Insurance contributions and would therefore see a small increase in take-home pay. However, continuing to work is likely to only be an option for a minority of individuals and

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