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  1. Life on a low income - FINAL - E.pdf

    other benefits for older people including Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Carer’s Allowance. However, Pension Credit is crucial in efforts to reduce poverty because it is intended ... grocery shopping and “It was nice to pick things up and put them in my basket without having to think if I can afford it. I have even bought a frozen duck for Christmas Day as a treat!” Mr Lewis, Cardigan

  2. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2022-23 ENGLISH.pdf

    had bought a coin. She was then sent another as a trial and told she could return it free of charge if she didn’t want it. After returning the coin, Mrs LL began receiving up to three calls a week from ... confident about her ability to be heard and to make things happen, knowing she could contact HOPE again if she needed further help. Mrs VV needed help getting the council to repair damage caused by damp inside

  3. RB_Oct17_Scams_party_conference_paper_nocrops.pdf

    either because scammers target them or because their circumstances make them vulnerable, for example if they are bereaved, lonely or living with dementia. The financial and health impacts can be devastating ... they said “Well, I don’t know anything about the phone call but we wouldn’t ask for your bank details if we had rang you”, but they were flippant about “Well, it might have been a scam”, they weren’t that

  4. RB_May15_Life_Offline.pdf

    internet ‘by proxy’ through family or others doing things online on their behalf • It is possible that if these barriers could be addressed, some older people might start to see the advantages that they are ... can’t get out of the house quickly enough, who are ill” [Male, 65-75, BC1C2, London] “People my age if they’ve worked in an office they’ve used it, but as a carpenter I haven’t come into contact, other

  5. Independent Professional Advocacy ENGLISH - March 2020.pdf

    implicated in a safeguarding enquiry. The appropriate individual may be a family member, friend, carer, or anyone providing a non-professional form of independent advocacy, as long as they meet the above ... a conflict of interest in moving forward. If an appropriate individual is available, the social care professional should confirm the arrangements with them. If neither an appropriate individual or other

  6. CRS_Dec15_Financial_Advice_Market_Review.pdf

    support the industry to develop set-price models of advice, making full use of automated technology. If automated advice systems are developed, there must be appropriate backup from a trained adviser, by ... finding process, and the Government must prioritise and pay an active part in its development.  Employers potentially have an important role to play and should be incentivised to provide access to guidance

  7. Staying safe online

    necessarily illegal, these websites charge extra money if you use them rather than going directly through the official government department. If you aren’t sure about which website to use, go through  ... files may be harmful to your computer. If you see a suspicious email, don’t reply with your details or open any links or documents. Delete the email straight away. If the email claims to be from an organisation

  8. RB_April17_Guidance--Sample_Size_Estimation_for_Qualitative_Methods.pdf

    these methods should be adapted during they use to take into account emerging information. Therefore if for example a predefined number of interviews is not needed or it emerges another approach may be more

  9. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_E.pdf

    perhaps about their home, family, a holiday etc 2 Music Creating an age friendly Wales Bloom HD If you have access to an iPad that you can use for creative sessions, Bloom HD is just one example of

  10. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 ENGLISH.docx

    to the terms given in the EqualityAct2010?Yes No The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment,whichhasasubstantialandlong-termadverseeffectontheperson’sabilitytocarry

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