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  1. Down_Memory_Lane_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    Manager (Evaluation & Impact) Research Department, Age UK Page 2 of 33 Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London, WC1H 9NA © Age UK Research Department (January

  2. Commissioning IPA Framework Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    Adolygu priodoldeb y fanyleb gwasanaeth a’r prosesau caffael. 23 Age Cymru, Llawr Gwaelod, Mariners House, Trident Court, Heol East Moors, Caerdydd CF24 5TD Ffôn: 029 2043 1555 E-bost: enquiries@agecymru

  3. IG31w.pdf

    gofrestru yng Nghymru a Lloegr 6837284. Cyfeiriad y swyddfa gofrestredig: Llawr Gwaelod, Tŷ Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Caerdydd, CF24 5TD. Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â phartneriaid

  4. Age Cymru Arts in Care Homes Policy Paper August 2023.pdf

    guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©Age Cymru 2023

  5. Age Cymru MMIYP - Welsh.pdf Gallwch hefyd gysylltu â ni drwy lythyr: Age Cymru, Llawr Gwaelod, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Caerdydd CF24 5TD. Gwefan: Yn Lloegr ... wedi cofrestru yng Nghymru a Lloegr 6837284. Cyfeiriad swyddfa gofrestredig: Llawr Daear, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Caerdydd CF24 5TD. Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â phartneriaid

  6. envisage15_English.pdf

    having new things to talk about. Working didn’t reduce the level of busyness but being out of the house with something else to think about was motivating, energising and good for their mental health and ... guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2022. 32

  7. envisage15_English.pdf

    having new things to talk about. Working didn’t reduce the level of busyness but being out of the house with something else to think about was motivating, energising and good for their mental health and ... guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2022. 32

  8. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    ng-lives.pdf xxiii Department for Work & Pensions (2010), Invitation to Tender xxiv Copied from House of Commons Library (2015), Work Programme: background and statistics, HoC Library briefing no. 6340

  9. RB_June15_Frailty_language_and_perceptions.pdf

    like heavy housework, transport and/or managing my finances. Score of 5 If I am going out of the house I really need someone to come along with me to help. Score of 6 I find it difficult to use stairs

  10. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    gyda materion a hawliadau budd-dal i gleifion Iechyd Meddwl yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg, Pinewood House ac Ysbyty George Thomas. Mae'r eiriolwr yn gweithio gyda'r claf yn ystod eu harhosiad ysbyty ac yn

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