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  1. FS2.pdf

    security of both public and private specialised and supported older people’s housing. The taskforce will run for up to 12 months and is due to make recommendations to Government during 2024. 2 Introduction ... allows it. When looking at schemes, think carefully about the manager’s duties and whether you are willing to pay for this service. Some schemes may not have a scheme manager. This may mean a lower service

  2. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    this resource to spark conversations around mental health in care. We hope that these discussions will inspire care home staff to explore new ways of recognising the things that are meaningful to people ... media in that language. Similarly, there may be community groups who speak that language who may be willing to socialise with the individual or even host activities at the home. 6 Case study : Welsh in care

  3. FS69.pdf

    by Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. If you are not able to pay your water charge element, you will be in rent arrears and your landlord can start eviction proceedings. If you do not claim any benefits ... a bowl rather than under running water. ⚫ Water your garden in the early morning or evening as it will not evaporate so quickly. ⚫ Water your garden thoroughly once a week rather than more frequently and

  4. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    with people in these kinds of scenarios; an explicit reference to customer vulnerability in the SoCs will help achieve this. Box 1: Harmful situations from Age UK Community Energy Programme • Heating not ... is vital that all suppliers have a full understanding of the circumstances many of their customers will face at some point in their lives. Box 3 shows a non-exhaustive list of personal characteristics that

  5. RB_June14_Generation_R_Research.pdf

    that person’s future resilience to the shocks and challenges of ageing. This resource-based approach will benefit from future longitudinal analysis to investigate whether the different clusters fared as we ... brighter picture of reality whereas women were more explicit in describing the problems and much more willing to admit the full extent of their vulnerability. Notwithstanding the commonalities each cluster

  6. Age Cymru Access to Dentistry inquiry written submission Sept 2022.pdf

    only able to eat liquid food. He required numerous dental appointments to get to the stage where he will be able to have dentures fitted. He told us he feels let down by the same system that was happy for ... clear that even with delays in access, people feel that not having to worry about how much treatment will cost is a major benefit of living in the UK that does have public health care, despite capacity issues

  7. Age Cymru Carers report draft03 (1).pdf

    support more older carers before they reach crisis point. Following the publication of this report, we will engage with older carers, carers organisations and other stakeholders from across the sector to disseminate ... in education and the workplace; as well as a commitment to create a charter for unpaid carers that will clearly define roles and responsibilities of Welsh Government, local authorities and health boards

  8. Age Cymru Carers report - English.pdf

    support more older carers before they reach crisis point. Following the publication of this report, we will engage with older carers, carers organisations and other stakeholders from across the sector to disseminate ... in education and the workplace; as well as a commitment to create a charter for unpaid carers that will clearly define roles and responsibilities of Welsh Government, local authorities and health boards

  9. CRS_Jan15_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study_report.pdf

    potential confusion in presenting an array of accounts and interest rates to the customer and care will need to be taken to design the notifications (Internet and paper) so they can be easily understood ... comparison will need to be maintained. Regarding the Internet account aggregation approach, our principal question 7 would be security. It is not immediately apparent how live account aggregation will be reconciled

  10. CRS_Nov13_Better_workplace_pensions.pdf

    would also be 4 important. As people are likely to have on average 11 jobs it is probable that they will move between contract and trust based schemes and so a greater degree of consistency would be useful ... convinced that the ABI’s approach towards independent governance committees will deliver truly independent bodies that will be sufficiently robust in pursuing member’s interests. 5. Which of the three

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