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  1. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    mental fitness. The GCBH is convened by AARP with support from Age UK to offer the best possible advice about what adults age 50 and older can do to maintain and improve their brain health. GCBH members ... array of disciplines and perspectives. We intend to create a set of resources offering practical advice to the public, health care providers, and policy makers seeking to make and promote informed choices

  2. Age Cymru Carers report draft03 (1).pdf

    support the early identification of older carers; to provide timely and personcentred information and advice; to enable older carers to influence policy, service design and delivery, and decision making by ... of carers and the duties that public bodies must adhere to, such as the right to information and advice, the right to an assessment of their needs where the local authority believes there to be unmet need

  3. Age Cymru Carers report - English.pdf

    support the early identification of older carers; to provide timely and personcentred information and advice; to enable older carers to influence policy, service design and delivery, and decision making by ... of carers and the duties that public bodies must adhere to, such as the right to information and advice, the right to an assessment of their needs where the local authority believes there to be unmet need

  4. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    support their loved ones to drink more safely, or to cut down when they are ready with practical advice. Those concerned others are encouraged to build on support networks and can access other services ... access support or to find out more about Drink Wise, Age Well you can get in touch by calling our advice line on 0800 161 5780 or visiting our website or email: wales@drinkwiseagewell

  5. Falls prevention school resource - Key stage 2.pdf

    cause serious harm if fallen on. Consider something wall mounted that directs the heat, encourage the use of central heating, add additional layers of clothing (this will keep people warmer if they do fall)

  6. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    factors in food; supplements have not shown to be effective.59 The most validated scientific dietary advice for good cognitive health and reducing dementia risk is to take a ‘Mediterranean diet’ – rich in ... being more or less effective than individual ones, but they would have added benefits of being more cost-effective, and be able to include social engagement.72 Whereas experts73 suggest that older people

  7. 20210907 Climate Change Environment Infrastructure Cttee - Age Cymru response (005).pdf

    expensive Bwcabus service. We had no buses running through lockdown but forced to use Bwcabus which costs more - difficult if you are on a low income due to benefits’ (Female, 55-59, Ceredigion). We recognise ... it is important to recognise the significant cost of getting and staying online for some older people and to ensure that nobody is digitally excluded on cost grounds. Housing In terms of Housing, we believe

  8. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    staff in place. 7. How does the project work within COVID-19 restrictions? HOPE adheres to Government advice and prioritises the safety of all involved. We’ll continually review our processes and be as innovative

  9. Newsletter insert Welsh.pdf

    wybodaeth ynglŷn â’r ffyrdd gorau o gael mynediad at arian parod yn ddiogel, ewch i: Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar

  10. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    Specifically a Wales ‘Ffrind mewn Angen’ ‘Friend in Need’ would be signposted to key sources of advice and support. They would have four key functions; Connect, Communicate, Coordinate and Comfort: 

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