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  1. FS60w.pdf

    arbitrary cost ceilings 27 7.3 The particular nature of someone’s needs 28 7.4 What will happen if a resident has previously been self-funding? 29 7.5 Existing ... explains what rights care home residents have to choose which home they will live in – and its location – when their local authority assists with the placement. This could be:  from the time you first

  2. Age Awareness Training

    0300 303 44 98. Our training can be adapted dependent on organisational needs, including the provision of a general age awareness session.Please contact us to discuss what you have in mind.

  3. Summer Leaflet v4.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales A little bit of sunshine is good for us and can lift our spirits – let’s face it, it can often be a welcome change from the long drawn out Welsh winter. There is no clear ... sticky, feeling tired. But it can also be dangerous, particularly for those with breathing difficulties and heart problems. This leaflet is a gentle reminder of the things we can do to keep ourselves cool

  4. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2015_2016.pdf

    Accounts. Report of Trustees and Annual Accounts 2015/16 We work in the UK Our work is driven by what older people tell us matter to them, and we work day-in day-out to help more older people love later ... ambitions set out what all our work aims to achieve, the outcomes we would like to see for all older people Everyone in later life: • Can have enough money • Can enjoy life and feel well • Can receive high

  5. Human rights project

    Os hoffwch fynediad i'r wybodaeth yma yn Gymraeg, ewch i'r dudalen hon As we age, we're still entitled to the same human rights that we were born with. The topic of human rights can sometimes sound abstract ... During the life of the project we: created Don’t Get Me Started, the short, animated film you can see at the top of this page. We worked with artists Jon Ratigan and Emma Prentice to animate interviews

  6. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_recipes.pdf

    as festive as possible! Method: Ingredients: If baking with a child, please supervise them at all times Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Vegan and Gluten Free Snowy Brownies  270g Gluten ... delicious snow scene! Method: Ingredients: If baking with a child, please supervise them at all times Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Mince pies For the pastry:  350g plain flour, plus

  7. Carers Guide FINAL (Cym).pdf

    Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru Canllaw ar gyfer nodi, cyfeirio a chefnogi gofalwyr hŷn yng Nghymru Creating an age friendly Wales 2 Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru ... Nghymru Cynnwys Cyflwyniad i Brosiect Gofalwyr Age Cymru 3 Nodi a chefnogi gofalwyr hŷn di-dâl yng Nghymru 4 Eich hawliau 5 Asesiad o anghenion gofalwyr 6 A ddylwn i siarad â’m meddyg teulu? 8 Budd-daliadau

  8. FS67.pdf

    19 7 Rights to repairs and/or improvements if you are a contract-holder (i.e. you rent your home) 20 7.1 Rights to repairs if you have a private landlord 21 7.2 Rights to repairs ... local authority social services department. You can view the full list on our website: Alternatively, you can contact Age Cymru Advice for further information

  9. WASP Summit slides final TS.pdf

    • Scam mail responder – cheque to return • Visit to family – only recently found out • Didn’t know what to do or where to go for help • Person now in residential home • Significant amount of scam mail responded ... ‘Scams Network’: We have built up a number of contacts who we can inform via e-mail any new or live scams targeting local residents, so that they can cascade this information in the work place or via their community

  10. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2014_2015.pdf

    discrimination. We also provide emergency relief, supporting older people and their families during times of crises. And we influence governments and aid agencies to help change older people’s lives for ... in later life can enjoy life and feel well. We are local, national and international Your money Everyone in later life has enough money. Your health and care Everyone in later life can receive high quality

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