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  1. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    Stop Falling: Start Saving Lives and Money Introduction 2 What we want to achieve 3 What is currently happening to prevent falls 4 The cost of falls 5 The experiences of people in later life 6 Advice to stay active 7 Investing in falls prevention services 8 Examples of falls prevention services 12 Recommendations 21 Where to go for more information 22 Contents 2 Falls represent the most

  2. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    Library. London, 1999. 14. Office of National Statistics. Age Structure of United Kingdom, 1971-2085 (web page):, Accessed February 2012

  3. WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    hifyn 1 Hydref 2020 Lansiad Swyddogol Prosiect HOPE Rydym yn falch o gyflwyno prosiect newydd cyffrous sy'n barod i gefnogi pobl hŷn (50+) a gofalwyr ledled Cymru. Lansiwyd y prosiect HOPE (Helping others to participate and engage) yn swyddogol ar 6 Hydref 2020 gyda chymorth gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Julie Morgan ac enwogion Cymru, megis Roy Noble. Partneriaeth yw prosiect HOPE rhwng Age Cymru,

  4. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack.pdf

    1 RECRUITMENT PACK Chair of trustees November 2019 2 YOUR APPLICATION Thank you very much for your interest in this position. On the following pages you will find information about the Chair’s position at Age Cymru, along with details of the selection process to assist you in completing and tailoring your application. In order to apply you should submit:  An up-to-date CV

  5. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack_wel.pdf

    1 PECYN RECRIWTIO Cadeirydd yr ymddiriedolwyr Tachwedd 2019 2 EICH CAIS Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich diddordeb yn y swydd hon. Ar y tudalennau canlynol, byddwch yn dod o hyd i wybodaeth ynglŷn â'r swydd Cadeirydd yn Age Cymru, ynghyd â manylion y broses ddethol i'ch cynorthwyo chi i gwblhau a theilwra'ch cais. Er mwyn gwneud cais, dylech gyflwyno:  CV diweddar sy'n dangos eich

  6. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide - Welsh.pdf

  7. Cyngor Age Cymru - Datganiad Gwasanaeth.docx

    Datganiad Gwasanaeth Cyngor Age Cymru Beth rydyn ni’n ei wneud? Mae Cyngor Age Cymru’n darparu gwasanaeth gwybodaeth a chyngor ar gyfer pobl hŷn, eu gofalwyr a’u teuluoedd yng Nghymru ynglŷn ag amrywiaeth o faterion yn cynnwys: Budd-daliadau lles i bobl hŷn gan gynnwys cyfle i wirio eu hawl i dderbyn budd-dal Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Tai, gan gynnwys opsiynau tai, atgyweiriadau ac addasiadau

  8. Tell Me More report (Welsh).pdf

    1 Tell Me More Adroddiad ar y prosiect ymgysylltu â phreswylwyr cartrefi gofal Nod y prosiect Tell Me More sy'n cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn unol â'r Cynllun Gweithredu Cartrefi Gofal Care homes action plan: final update [HTML] | GOV.WALES yw dod i ddeall sut beth oedd bywyd i bobl hŷn yn byw mewn cartrefi gofal yn ystod pandemig Covid. Y canlyniad fydd adroddiad ysgrifenedig a

  9. Accessing help for other.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Accessing help for other, non-COVID-19, health issues As a ‘Friend’ you can let the person you’re supporting know that they

  10. 2020-2021 Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    More money in your pocket How to claim the right benefits in later life Money matters Creating an age friendly Wales 2 More money in your pocket We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure we build a better life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change

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