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  1. What is abuse?

    The list below outlines the main forms of abuse that can affect adults who need care and support

  2. Arts and creativity

    We run two arts and creativity programmes for older people in Wales.

  3. Safeguarding

    Age Cymru aims to protect adults who come into contact with Age Cymru, through any of our activities, from abuse and neglect.

  4. Assist and Connect

    Assist and Connect is a community based, face to face support service where volunteers are matched with a member of their community who requires support.

  5. Groups and networks

    Find out more information about older peoples' groups and networks we work with.

  6. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    cael brechlyn rhag yr eryr o’r blaen a’ch bod rhwng 70 mlwydd oed (ac wedi cyrraedd yr oed hwn cyn 1 Medi 2023) a 79 mlwydd oed, rydych yn gymwys nawr a gallwch gysylltu â’ch meddygfa i wneud apwyntiad ... Rydych yn cael £25 yr wythnos am 24 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf bob cyfnod o 7 diwrnod o dywydd oer rhwng 1 Tachwedd a 31 Mawrth bob blwyddyn. Gostyngiad Cartrefi Cynnes Mae’r Gostyngiad Cartrefi Cynnes yn daliad

  7. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    Invisible but Invaluable Campaigning for greater support for older carers 1 Introduction 2 Summary 4 ‘We never retire’ 6 Support for older carers 8 Financial support – Carer’s Allowance 8 Support to have ... enable them to participate. Fact file • In 2001, around 6 million people provided unpaid care in the UK.1 • Three million of those are aged over 50 and older, and they provide more than £15 billion in care

  8. CRS_Sept14_Personal_independence_payment_independent_review.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Age UK’s response to the Personal Independence Payment Independent Review September 2014 Sally West Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock

  9. CRS_March14_Banking_Standards_Review.pdf

    be successful it should be robust, transparent, sufficiently detailed, measurable and comparable. 1. Introduction We are pleased to be able to respond to this consultation from the Banking Standards

  10. FS60w.pdf

    Factsheet 60w  July 2024 2 of 39 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 4 1.1 Definitions and terminology 5 2 Legislation covering the social ... Factsheet 60w  July 2024 4 of 39 1 Information about this factsheet This factsheet explains what rights care home residents have to choose

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