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  1. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    facilities by building partnerships between public, private and voluntary sectors and innovative multi-uses of existing council facilities. The Post Office network also has an important social and economic ... community learning has faced substantial budget cuts. We believe that opportunities to learn both for work and pleasure should be available to people of all ages, and the value of non-vocational learning for

  2. FS46w.pdf

    income amount (MIA) and ‘disability related expenditure’ 25 8.2 Working out your ‘protected’ Minimum income amount (MIA) – examples 28 9 Other issues in regard ... and support 46 13.2 Moving elsewhere in the UK 46 14 Complaints about social care services 47 15 Useful organisations 47 16 Further information about Age Cymru 50 Factsheet 46w  April

  3. FS61w.pdf

    15 6.2 When visiting the optician 16 6.3 When claiming for help with necessary travel costs 17 7 Useful organisations 19 8 Further information about Age Cymru 22 Factsheet 61w  July 2023 ... – such as a caecostomy, colostomy or laryngostomy – that requires continuous surgical dressing, or use of an appliance;  cancer (including the effects of the cancer itself and/or the effects of treatment);

  4. CRS_Sept16_Retirement_Outcome_Review.pdf

    remains stubbornly low – an immediate priority should be to dramatically increase the numbers of people using the service, so only a small minority are going without guidance or advice.  Fees and charges, in ... individual consumers, which urgently needs to be rectified by the FCA, the Treasury and the Department for Work and Pensions.  This includes the impact the different sources of guidance/advice have on at-retirement

  5. CRS_Dec14_Health_select_committee_inquiry_end_of_life_care.pdf

    the NHS as a whole, not just those responsible for specialist palliative care. All professionals working in the NHS will care for people who are dying, yet training in end of life care remains poor. Geriatricians ... Trust showed a two-fold difference between certain areas of the country in the proportion of people using social care in the month prior to death, suggesting that your access to services is highly dependent

  6. Towards a future vision for General Practice response - October 2018.pdf

    General Practice Age Cymru 30 October 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead ... General Practice. What do you value most about the GP relationship? Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead

  7. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    to share stories with us. The stories and insights we heard were often uplifting, sometimes sad but always full of inspiration and hope. The conversations were highly valued by us and the care home residents ... travel and move around together, and we have a fundamental need to communicate with each other. It makes us feel valued and connected. We all function through interaction with other human beings and much of

  8. Age Positive Poster Celebrate web.pdf

    For more information about Age Positive Week contact us on 029 2043 1555 or visit Celebrate Age Positive Week with us Join in the fun!Venue: Date: Event: #agepositiveweek

  9. CRS_Oct10_Engagement_and_volunteering_topic_briefing.pdf

    behaviours and the ability to cope with one’s own illness,24 • provides a positive transition from work to retirement.25 Below is a summary of the relative benefits from a survey of people 55-plus:26

  10. Karen Wakelin Sharon Cole.pdf

    supporting adults or children and young people to access advocacy • Included in other practice units e.g. working with children and young people who are looked after • Specific unit in the level 5 qualification: ... Continually develop own practice as an advocate • Challenge decisions through independent advocacy • Use advocacy to influence social change, equality and inclusion • Understand approaches to safeguarding

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