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  1. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    on disabled people’. This highlighted areas of concern on accessible transport, where there’s been poor progress or where existing regulations have not been implemented. We therefore fully support the stated ... of improving transport to hospital. (Please note we have only responded to questions where we have evidence or where we support a suggested action.) KEY POINTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - The Government should

  2. CRS_Oct2011_Localising_support_for_council_tax_in_England.pdf

    sets out proposals around key elements of a framework for local support. Some of the main proposals are: • Council Tax Benefit (CTB) will be replaced by a localised system of support from 2013-14 with expenditure ... that they will be entitled to a specified level of support wherever they live in the country. We are concerned that localising support would make the administration of the system less integrated with

  3. Scams and Swindles 2 PDF proof English.pdf

    have more 6 No Cold Calling Zones? Misleading or dishonest? 8 Direct marketing messaging How we are helping people 9 with dementia and their carers to beat scammers Nuisance calls – action at last ... Chair Cross Party Group on Older People and Ageing, National Assembly for Wales Scams and swindles are amongst the cruellest of crimes and have moved from Dutch auctions and the three card trick to highly

  4. FS56.pdf

    The information in this factsheet is correct for the period April 2024 to March 2025. Benefit rates are reviewed annually and uprated in April but rules and figures can sometimes change during the year. ... Scotland and have dependent children, call Age Scotland and ask about Scottish Child Payment. If you are in Northern Ireland, please contact Age NI for information. Contact details can be found at the back

  5. Help us to be there on the hardest day and every day

    will also ensure that nobody goes without the support they need to help with a range of issues which are often heightened at Christmas, such as dealing with the loss of a loved one, affording household costs ... Family do their best, but loneliness is a horrible thing, and being predominately housebound the days are so long. However, every Thursday, I keep an eye on the clock as I get a friendship call from my friend

  6. Profiadau pobl 50 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo cyntaf Covid-19, a’u hadferiad - Hydref 2020 CYM.pdf

    ag adferiad y dyfodol. Cwblhawyd yr arolwg gan 1114 o bobl hŷn, cafodd 942 eu cwblhau ar-lein a 172 eu cwblhau oddi ar lein. Cawsom 14 llythyr hefyd. O blith y bobl hŷn a ymatebodd i’r arolwg: Roedd yr oedran ... darlunio’r effaith mae cyfnod clo cenedlaethol cyntaf Covid-19 wedi’i chael ar bobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Cafwyd peth myfyrio ar brofiadau cadarnhaol o’r cyfnod clo gyda phobl yn mwynhau’r cymorth gan deulu

  7. CRS_Dec14_EHRC_Legal_Strategy.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... continuing equality and human rights abuses; (iv) where EHRC 3 uniquely placed to act or can act best in partnership; and (v) assess if non-litigation options are available. We highlight the value of criteria

  8. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2018 WELSH.pdf

    am ddim Adroddiad cARTrefu Y tîm newydd! ï ï ï Mentoriaid cARTrefu Ar daith ... I gloi ... Y Rhwydwaith Diwylliant Oed-gyfeillgar Gwanwyn 2018

  9. Advocacy Newsletter April 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

    Diogelu rhag Colli Rhyddid - Cyhoeddi'r adroddiad terfynol a Mesur drafft Gwefannau Defnyddiol Canllawiau ar ymdrin ag achosion unigol er mwyn diogelu plant ac oedolion mewn perygl Tudalen 8 Cyhoeddiadau

  10. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    actions intended to improve lives of LGBTQ+ people in Wales. The actions focus on areas of life where changes are needed, but in looking at all areas this results in a long list. These would benefit from being ... internet and some will have limited digital literacy1. As such their voices, views and experiences are less likely to have been captured in comparison with younger LGBTQ+ people. We therefore suggest that

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