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  1. National Development Framework - March 2017.pdf

    services and other vital amenities. Lower levels of car ownership and car use amongst older people can also lead to them becoming marginalised and unable to access community services in rural areas, leading ... inaccessible built environment and a lack of local amenities and facilities can deter people from taking part in community life and can cause isolation and feelings of loneliness among older people. Removing

  2. RB_Sept10_short_term_protection_long_term_vision.pdf

    severely reduced settlement, to make efficiency savings and re-align and re-focus services. Others, who, for whatever reason, have been less able to prepare, will be facing even tougher times ahead. People ... will also need to ensure that they are fully meeting their statutory obligations to protect those who are most vulnerable. Over the next few years local authority budget decisions will need to secure a

  3. Carers Survey report FINAL (v9).pdf

    better meet the needs of older carers, carers of people living with dementia, and carers of people who have now moved to live in a care home. We will continue to work in partnership with the Welsh Government ... contact the team, take a look at our website: Creating an age friendly Wales 2 Who are you looking after? (select all that apply) Responses Parent Partner Child Friend Sibling Neighbour

  4. Glossary of online terms

    known viruses from attacking your computer. Apps (applications) A type of computer program that you can download for your computer, tablet or mobile phone. There are hundreds of different apps available ... may include your personal details and is used to identify you on a social networking website. This can be set as public (viewed by everyone) or private (only viewed by certain people). Router A device that

  5. FS29w.pdf

    care home – are there other ways in which care needs can be met? 17 3.6 What happens if you do not wish to move into a care home ... accommodation 38 6.7 When the NHS makes the arrangement – i.e. for people who qualify for NHS continuing healthcare 40 6.8 Rehabilitation – intermediate care and reablement 40 7

  6. Sheltered housing and extra-care housing

    Sheltered housing is a type of ‘housing with support’, which you can buy or rent.  Sheltered housing could suit you if you want to live independently but need a bit more support, or if you want to ... the home and personal care services such as help with bathing are not usually provided. However, you can arrange a package of services from the local authority or a private care agency, if this sort of assistance

  7. Age Cymru Access to Dentistry inquiry written submission Sept 2022.pdf

    in the number of older people that have told us they have had to seek private dental care as they can no longer wait for their NHS dentist (if they have been able to register with an NHS dentist at all) ... is at risk of choking if he does. He told us that he doesn’t like to smile or laugh ‘because people can see the state of my mouth.’ He says he looks older than his years without teeth his confidence is affected

  8. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    environment that deters people from being involved in community life can contribute to this. The features that make a place desirable to live in can change as people get older. It is essential that the built environment ... barriers that prevent their participation in communities, and what should be an enjoyable stage of life can become a time of loneliness and isolation. Age Cymru’s Community Calculator survey (2018/19),1 which

  9. Volunteer stories

    We spoke to Catherine and Remo who volunteer to make friendship calls to find out how volunteering with our vital service makes a difference to them and the people they call every week. Why did you decide ... that someone needs, just someone to listen. It gives me an incredibly good feeling afterwards. Ken, who I’m paired up with, always says it’s so lovely to hear my voice whenever I call him. We

  10. Friend in need

    The service provides a free weekly 30 minute telephone  friendship call for people in Wales who are 70 or over. Catherine aged 71 I really enjoy doing friend in need, Ken, is really pleased at receiving ... interesting hearing about his life when he was younger. He's sometimes very low until we start chating, you can feel his mood change. We always end up having a laugh. It makes me feel that friend in need is so worthwhile

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