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  1. CRS_Sept15_CMS_Committee_broadband.pdf

    harm to some older people. Our main point in this submission relates to the need for a universal service obligation for broadband. 1.3 Many older people are at particular risk of being digitally excluded ... without good coverage. This means they can struggle to reliably access essential services like banking, as well as other services around social care and social connectedness. As part of extending coverage,

  2. CRS_Dec15_BIS_switching_principles.pdf

    the implicit idea that consumers have to switch to access affordable, decent products in essential services like energy, banking and telecoms. Some older people face significant barriers to switching and ... result. Efforts to improve switching must be complemented by effective regulation to ensure essential services are accessible, affordable and of adequate quality for everyone. While poverty among older people

  3. FS62.pdf

    providing a short-term basis for the deprivation of liberty while the standard authorisation process is completed. See section 4.3 for more information. Age UK factsheet 62 March 2024 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards ... genuinely autonomous. 4.2 Timescale for assessment The Code of Practice states: Assessments must be completed within 21 days for a standard deprivation of liberty authorisation, or, where an urgent authorisation

  4. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    declare any medical details so they qualify for an enhanced rate and consider the position of their partner and whether they want a level income or one which increases over time. Recommendations To help ... pensions. The questions would include issues around their medical circumstances, whether they had a partner, what they would live on if they exhausted their DC pension, how to avoid scams and the need to minimise

  5. CRS_July16_Mental_wellbeing_independence_for_older_people.pdf

    number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is currently developing a quality standard on mental ... improvement in older people’s independence and wellbeing, as well as clarifying expectations of service commissioners and providers around what needs to happen. 2 General We support the focus provided

  6. Information and Guidance Officer JD.pdf

    Cardiff Contractual Status of Role: Full time, 35 hours per week Job Title of Line Manager: Service Manager (ACAL) Job Purpose: To provide accurate, impartial and comprehensive information and guidance ... further support to appropriate services within the Age Cymru Network. • Signposting to and providing factual information about the role of other organisations or services who can support an individual.

  7. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    older people rather than those in residential or nursing care homes, because of the relevance to services Age UKs may be able to provide. ‘Normal’ brain ageing The average adult brain is about the size ... small strokes. Symptoms tend to be impaired judgement and inability to plan a series of steps to complete a task, rather than memory loss. 13 Dementia and Cognitive Decline Evidence Review Oct 2014

  8. Falls prevention

    reason to explain it. With your permission, your GP can also refer you to the local falls prevention service for a falls risk assessment. This could include checking your eyesight, investigating any continence

  9. Walk and Talk Befriender

    your own pace with a friendly, supportive volunteer. Our Walk and Talk Befriender is a free service that aims to help older people who'd like to benefit from regular exercise but feel nervous going

  10. Age Cymru Pembrokeshire

    Pembrokeshire have been diverted to Age Cymru Advice . This is a free, impartial and bilingual advice service that's available from 9.00am to 5.00pm from Monday to Friday. It can provide information and practical

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