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  1. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    carers Publication date January 2011 – version 1 August 2014 – version 2 Target audience Local government, commissioners, local Age UKs, voluntary sector and strategic partners. Description This document:

  2. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf

    40 o 48 Ffôn: 0300 003 3601 Digital Unite Yn helpu pobl hŷn i ddysgu am

  3. FS41w - Welsh.pdf

    person wedi’i amlinellu yng Nghôd Ymarfer MCA 2005, sydd ar gael ar wefan GOV.UK ar: 51 Yr un

  4. Cascade Training Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    people's community based preventative services, Bath, National Development Team for Inclusion. HM Government 2014. Care act 2014, London, The Stationary Office. Jones, M., Kinberlee, R., Evans, S. & Deave

  5. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

    to OR, readmission to ICU and rate of pulmonary complications. Costing perspective was from the government payer. 118 patients were included in the study. All outcomes demonstrated that the postoperative

  6. forum resource manual WELSH v4.pdf

    ddefnyddiol am yr hyn y mae cyngor (awdurdod lleol) yn ei wneud ar gael yn local-government-in-wales Os yw’n fater datganoledig yng Nghymru bydd angen i chi gysylltu â’ch Aelod o’r Senedd

  7. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    changes in bereavement. This creates a complex and ‘messy’ picture to capture in research. The Government’s Next Steps for the Carers Strategy for England, maintains the vision over the next decade, that:

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