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  1. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    read it out • Now make a poem or verse starting with this line of poetry It can be scary looking at a blank page and trying to write a poem. This exercise gives people a good starting point to work ... friendly Wales Words A box of prompts Putting together a box of prompts is an easy way to help residents start to think more creatively. You could include: • Photographs • Newspaper articles •

  2. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    people across areas of Wales. This has resulted in an overall reduction in support for older people at a time when the need is increasing, with 900 fewer older people supported than in 2016. Funding and ... continuing to report that 10% or less of their support is provided in Welsh, with many reporting no uptake at all. 50% of providers continue to state that they have provided advocacy support in many other languages

  3. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    areas Monday 30 January Chair Baroness Jolly Speakers David Emerson, chair, ACRE Susan Oliver, CEO at Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council Mervyn Kohler, Age UK Dr Kellie Payne, Learning and Research ... could be a boon to an ageing population who could have difficulty driving. They could particularly help in areas where public transport services are insufficient. The meeting heard about a transport scheme

  4. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    system provides an essential additional component of income in retirement, through Pension Credit, or help to cope with the additional costs of illness or disability. Unfortunately significant numbers of older ... Money (2014) Article available @ 2 Summary of public policy

  5. CRS_June16_Ofcom_broadband_USO.pdf

    2016. Introduction 1. Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We help more than 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship and ... being able to shop and bank from home, especially useful for people in rural areas with sparse services or whose health or mobility makes it hard for them to leave the home. Others may value the internet

  6. Volunteer as a telephone befriender

    applied for this opportunity, you'll receive a volunteer interest form from the Friend in Need team at Age Cymru. After a successful interest form the team will be in touch to answer any questions you may ... an older person based on your interests, hobbies, beliefs, background or anything else that might help you get to know each other. Once that bit is sorted out, we'll agree a time between you and the older

  7. Modern slavery

    trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane ... work Victims may be living in dirty, cramped or overcrowded accommodation, and / or living and working at the same address Victims may have no identification documents, have few personal possessions and always

  8. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    facilities, services and amenities that are accessible and that accommodate the needs of older people, to help them enjoy health and wellbeing and to fully participate in society. However, many older people ... people across Wales to assess how age friendly is their community, highlighted that many older people face considerable barriers in the built environment on a daily basis:  over 55% of survey respondents

  9. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    (49%) of all people aged 75 and over live alone.10  9% of older people feel trapped in their own home.11  6% of older people (nearly 600,000) leave their house once a week or less.12  30% say they would ... nearly a quarter (24%) of pensioners do not go out socially at least once a month.14  Nearly 200,000 older people in the UK do not receive the help they need to get out of their house or flat.15  17% of

  10. Pension Credit

    If you’re eligible, Pension Credit will not only give you a bit of extra cash, it could also help you get some other entitlements too: It’s unlikely you’ll have to pay Council Tax (unless ... claim help towards the cost of glasses and travel to hospital. You’ll get a Cold Weather Payment of £25 when the temperature is 0°C or below for 7 days in a row. If you rent your home, you

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