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  1. CRS_Jan17_Handbook_changes_to_reflect_introduction_Lifetime_ISA.pdf

    LISAs, consumers will not understand that pension governance and other regulatory 1 HMRC (2016), ISA statistics 4 standards will not apply, which ... Although consumers may know that their retirement will comprise multiple phases of changing health and activity during which their financial needs will vary, the tendency nonetheless is to make a one-off

  2. CRS_Oct15_Dementia_inquiry_into_dementia_and_comorbidities.pdf

    affects older people – around 95% of people with dementia in the UK are 65+. By that age, many people will already have other conditions. Someone who develops dementia is already likely to be coping with ... doctors already find difficult to manage and diagnose- will interfere with other conditions that the person with dementia has to cope with and will complicate care planning. An understanding of the interplay

  3. FS25.pdf

    is important to be clear about why you want to return and try to find out whether your expectations will be met. If you have been absent for some time, there may have been changes to life in the UK that ... deciding to return permanently to the UK, you should consider: ⚫ what will your income be on returning and will it be as much as now? ⚫ will you be entitled to any benefits? ⚫ how do prices and costs compare

  4. RB_July15_Researching_Age-Friendly_Communities.pdf

    the most excluded older people in central and south Manchester. Moreover, the findings of this work will play a direct role in the development of the city’s plans for the neighbourhoods in which the research ... research process itself is therefore the focus, rather than the research findings and outcomes, which will be reported elsewhere. It is an account of learning by doing (Clough et al., 2006): of discovering

  5. Human Rights Toolkits V8.pdf We recognise that everyone will have different levels of prior understanding of both advocacy and human rights, and at the end of the toolkit we will signpost to other resources that you might ... and so on this page we look at some key similarities and differences between the terminology you will come across. Professor John Williams, legal expert and Chair of Age Cymru’s Board of Trustees, introduced

  6. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Eng.pdf

    communities and a lack of opportunity. Becoming age friendly is a social and cultural change programme that will need to permeate all aspects of our society. Devolved government, the traditional values of Welsh ... affecting older people, stimulate discussion and share good practice. Our next edition of EnvisAGE will continue the age friendly theme with a focus on health and social care in the context of an age friendly

  7. RB_Oct16_Hidden_in_plain_sight_older_peoples_mental_health.pdf

    At the current rate of growth in the proportion of older people being referred through IAPT, it will be fifteen years for the 12% referral target to be met.2 This lack of urgency is reinforced by the ... and ageing in the context of mental health, and the implications this has for their care. This paper will review the current approach towards the treatment of older people with mental health conditions and

  8. Employment and Contribution policy statement - September 2019.pdf

    others, or in working freelance. Because individual motivation will vary, the same roles, salaries and training or re-training opportunities will not be appropriate for everyone. Employers and governments ... focusing on generic working practices or development programmes, such as assuming older employees will need to improve their I.T. skills. Opportunities for later-life career reviews and career development

  9. 20190514 access to banking services in Wales.pdf

    already – “even car parks are going cashless”;  “There will always be a need for cash – smaller places will always need it”;  “And you will always need cheques”;  On the other hand – “Cruises are cashless ... contactless, why would we need cash?”  “So many places are not going to function, like my church. How will people donate a pound or two?”  “If the window cleaner does 20 houses every day and only three of

  10. CRS_Oct15_ECC_Committee_energy_efficiency_inquiry.pdf

    and evidence from other countries. 1. Key recommendations 1.1 Improving home energy efficiency will help cut carbon emissions, improve energy security and reduce consumer bills. However, it is also ... Deal. We welcome the Government’s statement that ‘addressing fuel poverty will remain a priority of this Government’.6 We will work constructively with the Government to tackle this problem. 3.3 Below

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