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  1. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    better partnership working and to tackle perpetrators.22 The Welsh Government’s Strategic Equality Plan and Equality Objectives (20162020)23 includes the objective ‘Reduce the incidence of all forms of ... and Incidents: A Framework for Action. 12 May 2014. 23 Welsh Government (2016) Strategic Equality Plan and Equality Objectives 2016-2020. Working Towards a Fairer Wales. November 2016. 7 objective is

  2. 2020-2021 Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    in April 2020 it was 65 and 8-9 months and by October 2020 it will be 66. Under current Government plans, by April 2028 it will have increased to 67 years. You can find your State Pension age by calling ... the deceased’s estate. To find out more, see our free guide When someone dies and free factsheet Planning for a funeral. • A Budgeting Loan of between £100 and £464 may be available if you’re receiving

  3. RB_Summer13_Economic_Monitor_Report.pdf

    inequality amongst older people. We hope that you find this report useful and that the format is engaging and accessible. Michelle Mitchell Charity Director General, Age UK 32 Key insights in this issue

  4. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    assessment for care home residents, supporting intergenerational activities in sheltered housing and engaging the local Asian Older People’s network to translate and deliver culturally sensitive information

  5. IG06.pdf

    you’re eligible for care and support. If you are, they work with you to develop a care and support plan that sets out the services they’ll provide. 10 As part of the process, the council considers whether ... services, they might recommend you move into a care home as part of a review of your care and support plan. If you’re being discharged from hospital, you might be discharged to a care home where your long-term

  6. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement.pdf

    these, public authorities in Wales, including the Welsh Government, produced their Strategic Equality Plans and have since reported on progress against their equality objectives on an annual basis. Welsh Ministers ... Mental Health and Wellbeing in Wales. 18 Welsh Government (2012) Together for Mental Health. Delivery Plan: 2012-16. 19 Age Cymru (2012) The Older Minority Ethnic Network (OMEN) Manifesto. 9 practitioners

  7. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    skills. This casts doubt on the stereotype of older workers as being unable to learn new skills – engaging older workers in training is crucial for their employment prospects. 4.2 Different jobs mean different ... working time when required.62 Employers can therefore raise productivity across their organisation by engaging fully with this agenda. 5.4 Mixed-age workforce Another strategy that can be used to raise productivity

  8. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    Scotland. Since April 2017, local Age UKs have received over 1000 enquiries regarding wills and estate planning. The key principles behind our recommendations, set out in this consultation response are as follows: ... on Monday. Sister has obtained medical certificate in order for her to register the death. Sister plans to arrange a cremation for Father, which C feels goes against his wishes/ religious beliefs. C not

  9. FS58w.pdf

    status at an early stage in the process and it must be agreed and set down in your care and support plan. The Care and Support (Financial assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2015 actually feature three different ... Factsheet 10w Paying for a permanent care home placement in Wales for further information. Your care plan will also need to be amended accordingly, to reflect the new arrangements. The value of any property

  10. IG14.pdf

    what’s making you feel unsteady • agree on an action plan to reduce your risk of falling. 7 Following your assessment, you should have an action plan in place that’s designed to meet your individual needs

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