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  1. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    experiencing or achieving a good later life. There are huge differences among the older population, with some in a much better position than others. At the moment life is even more restricted and miserable for those ... experiencing are recognised in plans for Covid reconstruction. Poverty and voice • 120,000 pensioners in Wales live in poverty (i) • It’s estimated that 80,000 households in Wales that are eligible for

  2. Operations Assistant JD.docx

    provide a full reception service. To service, develop and co-ordinate Age Cymru’s meeting rooms.To provide administrative support as required. To undertake daily central services duties, for example, travel

  3. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address ... investment that will be amply repaid in terms of savings to healthcare and income support services, and we pick up this theme throughout this submission. However, in order for this investment to be effectively

  4. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy October 2023 Final.pdf

    the project and want to take this opportunity to remind everyone what HOPE is all about and the service and opportunity we provide. Age Cymru’s HOPE project provides independent advocacy support to ... crisis situation. HOPE is a Welsh Government funded project running until the end of March 2025 and is in partnership with Age Connects Wales and local Age Cymru partners. HOPE is committed to helping others

  5. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    volunteer training package and look forward to seeing them in action. It has information ranging from HOPE staff contact details, to valuable services across the country, and not forgetting the all important ... proud to finally have it in the bag! Over the last couple of months, Rachael and Sian have been getting to know different areas of the organisation, local partners and services in their areas. This has

  6. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    Manthorpe About the Authors Valerie Lipman has worked in the older people’s voluntary sector for many years and has a particular interest in race and ethnicity in the sector. She is currently a post-doctoral research ... London. She has worked in the voluntary sector and as a Board member of national and local older people’s groups. She carries out research mainly focusing on older people’s services. Acknowledgments This

  7. Age Cymru IPA Appropriate Individual Booklet_E FINAL 12.3.20.pdf

    established in paragraph 47 of the revised Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy)1 (“the Code”) under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (“the Act”). The role is then set out in Chapter 13 ... states that independent professional advocacy under the Act “is specific to supporting an individual in relation to their care and/or support needs. Advocates which undertake this form of advocacy are referred

  8. Doorstep scams

    Doorstep scammers commonly target older people. In fact, 85% of victims of doorstep scams are aged 65 and over according to National Trading Standards. We'll show you some simple steps that you can ... doorstep scams, and here are five you should be aware of. Rogue traders: A cold-caller may offer you a service you don’t really need. They may try to push you into agreeing to unnecessary home repairs or improvements

  9. Advocacy and the reast of the Act.pdf

    of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 Part 2: General FunctionsAssessment of needs for care and support, support for carers and preventative services Preventative services Provision of ... ability to pay a charge Deferred payments Charging for preventative services Recovery of charges Creation of charge over interest in land Transfer of assets to avoid charging Reviews relating to charging

  10. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    or affected by substance misuse”1. According to the 2011 census, there were 369,186 carers2 living in Wales, representing 12% of the population, the highest proportion of carers of all UK countries. 87 ... 87,173 of these carers were aged 65 and over, and 131,120 aged between 50 and 64. 103,594 people in Wales provide over 50 hours of unpaid care per week.3 It is likely that the actual proportion of older

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