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  1. IG38.pdf

    else does the lifting for you. Visit your favourite supermarket’s website to see whether it offers home delivery. If you make purchases over the internet, make sure you take steps to keep your details secure ... if you’ve eaten in a café or restaurant, but you’re just as likely to get ill from food prepared at home. Food poisoning can be more than just unpleasant – it can make you seriously ill. Many types of bacteria

  2. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    people to receive all the financial support they are entitled to.  Welsh Government schemes to improve home energy efficiency and tackle fuel poverty must ensure that appropriate support is available to older ... additional costs and restrictions due to disability or ill health  Where someone lives, including their home and local area  Savings and financial capability  Attitudes and expectations.

  3. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    continued care provision and ageing in place. One third of all people with a learning disability living at home, in the UK, are cared for by relative who is aged over seventy.25 Housing Table 3 Characteristics ... 27 Provan, Burchardt and Suh (2016) No Place Like an Accessible Home: Quality of life and opportunity for disabled people with accessible housing needs, CASE (LSE) Centre

  4. FS91.pdf

    capital and income if you receive social care services funded by your local authority, whether at home or in residential care, or you may need these services in the future. For more information, see factsheet ... Cymru factsheet 40w, Deprivation of assets in the means test for care home provision in Wales. In Scotland, see Age Scotland’s Care Home Guide: Funding. Case study - diminishing capital rules DWP decide

  5. CRS_Jan17_Handbook_changes_to_reflect_introduction_Lifetime_ISA.pdf

    Individual Savings Account (LISA) is intended to help people save for the purpose of providing a first home deposit, or for retirement. A LISA can be opened by an individual aged under 40, while payments attracting

  6. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    their needs. We based our estimates of intensity of care on vignettes of the average recipient of home-based social care services prepared by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), a research

  7. CRS_May12_CLG_inquiry_response_cllr_community.pdf

    father] would not be dressed and got out of bed, as that was when they have staff shortages [in the care home]” “It became apparent that you needed to be on death‟s door before even being considered and we were

  8. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    was at St Joseph’s in Newport I live in Rhymney. Hopefully a new appointment will be made nearer home.’ Many of the issues around public transport were present before the pandemic and have just been

  9. CRS_April14_NICE_Public_Health_guideline.pdf

    deviate from the ideal working pattern expected by the employer, can come in many forms including home working, flexitime or annualised hours. It brings a range of benefits to individuals and employers

  10. Carers Survey report FINAL (v9).pdf

    carers of people living with dementia, and carers of people who have now moved to live in a care home. We will continue to work in partnership with the Welsh Government to address the concerns set out

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