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  1. RB_July17_Triple_lock_briefing.pdf

    lock for the remainder of this Parliament’.1 Some points about uprating and the triple lock:  People who reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016 receive their State Pension under the old system ... State Pension is £159.55 from April 2017 (£8,297 a year) and this is uprated by the triple lock. Most people reaching State Pension age now receive less than this, but some receive more because they had already

  2. RB_Feb17_Statistical-methods.pdf

    datasets Selection of items Compilation of indicators Initial analysis Deliberative workshops with older men/women to sense check initial findings 3. Modelling wellbeing: Identifying significant components ... WILL Index:  Why wellbeing? What are important components of wellbeing in later life?  How older people in the United Kingdom are doing?  Where and why wellbeing is low?  What effect various policy

  3. RB_April17_Statistical-methods.pdf

    datasets Selection of items Compilation of indicators Initial analysis Deliberative workshops with older men/women to sense check initial findings 3. Modelling wellbeing: Identifying significant components ... WILL Index:  Why wellbeing? What are important components of wellbeing in later life?  How older people in the United Kingdom are doing?  Where and why wellbeing is low?  What effect various policy

  4. 1 Welcome pack for care home - volunteer guidance doc (1).pdf

    has a vital role to play. You’re providing a real opportunity to make a positive difference to the people who live and work in your care home. We look forward to gathering your feedback, which is an essential ... contact with anyone living with dementia. They may have had limited or no knowledge or experience of older people and their needs. The volunteers have been alerted to the fact that they may find some experiences

  5. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    Exploring variations in access to surgery among older people Access all ages 2 MHP Health was commissioned by the RCS to research and draft the report. MHP Health is an award-winning specialist health ... problems are far from over. There is concerning, widespread variation in the rates of surgery for older patients, depending on where they live. Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), whose job is to commission

  6. Tell Me More Project Consent _ENG.pdf

    gathered could be used in a short film/ animation describing the experiences of care home residents during the Covid Pandemic. (This will be sent to person’s involved before being made public) 4. I give ... that my words can be used by Age Cymru to influence policy and projects related to the lives of people living in care homes. 7. I consent that my words (within the film and/or as written text) may be

  7. forum resource manual v4.pdf

    Section 1 Introduction Age Cymru Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales. More than ever before, older people are facing some of the hardest challenges imaginable. Some live in poverty ... poverty or can’t get the basic care they need to live with dignity. Sadly, older people often have to face these issues with no-one to help or support them – loneliness is a daily struggle when you only have

  8. CRS_Feb12_Consultationresponse_Transport_CPF.pdf

    factor in all three of these streams up for debate. Key points and recommendations For many older people local public transport is a lifeline, allowing them to get out and about, reach services and meet ... infrastructure which will in turn unlock the spending power of older people and support local communities. From the age of 50 the total number of trips people taken each year by any form of transport begins to declinei

  9. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    achieve 3 What is currently happening to prevent falls 4 The cost of falls 5 The experiences of people in later life 6 Advice to stay active 7 Investing in falls prevention services 8 Examples of falls ... frequent and serious type of accident in people aged 65 and over. Furthermore, falls are the main cause of disability and the leading cause of death from injury among people aged over 75 in the UK. Falls destroy

  10. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    advice and advocacy March 2015 Summary Good quality information and advice is essential for older people. Relevant and appropriate information and advice helps us to make informed decisions, plan ahead ... promote the independence of older people, empowering them to make choices, secure their rights and act in their own interests1 Advocacy can be defined as: . For example, older people may require information

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