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  1. RB_Summer15_Chief_Economist's_Report.pdf

    Foreword ......................................................................................... 2 What does the July Budget mean for older people? ........................ 3 Overview ................. ... estate free of Inheritance Tax  Financial inequality is currently growing in the pensioner population: the gap between the richest and the poorest is getting wider  Pensioners are still missing out of

  2. Administrative Officer Job Description - English.pdf

    arranging and supporting meetings and contacts with a range of people and organisations, including the board of trustees and committees of the board, and delivering a range of administrative tasks that enable effective ... Essential Desirable Experience The ability to demonstrate experience of: • Working in a in a busy office environment. X • Working in an administration role. X • Providing high quality

  3. CRS_Sept17_Advising_on_pension_transfers.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... has proposed a new advice regime for transfers out of Defined Benefit pension schemes, called the ‘Appropriate Pension Transfer Analysis’ (APTA). This would replace the existing regime that is focussed on

  4. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    Accounts 2013/14 ‘You need a philosophy for life – a combination of peace, happiness and positivity.’ Nicole, 67 2 Age UK. Love later life We are many things to many people Ageing is different for everyone ... things to many people – a source of advice, information, companionship and support. But one thing is the same for everyone: we’re always here. Wherever you are in your life, ageing is a journey we’ll take together

  5. FS5w.pdf

    2 of 26 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 3 2 Finding a dentist who offers NHS treatment 3 3 Dental check-ups and treatment plans 3 3.1 Check-ups 3 3.2 Frequency ... treatment 11 7.2 What you will receive as part of urgent or out-of-hours treatment 12 7.3 How to access urgent or out-of-hours treatment 12 7.4 If a tooth has been

  6. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Full_report.pdf

    forward and recommendations 28 Agenda for action 29 References Dedicated to the memory of Alan Suttie, a former Trustee of RNIB who passed away in 2014. Alan dedicated his life to improving the lives of blind ... partially sighted people, championing the cause of older people. 4 On 22 June 2015, Age UK and RNIB held a joint seminar ‘Improving later life for people with sight loss’. The seminar drew on the expertise of

  7. RB_July15_How to make your Age UK dementia friendly.pdf

    How to make your Age UK dementia friendly A guide to making mainstream services accessible to people with dementia Introduction We wrote this guide to offer guidance and inspiration to any local Age ... that local Age UKs can make their mainstream services more friendly to people living with dementia. It is based on our experience of working with more than 70 local Age UKs from 2012–2015 as part of the Dementia

  8. Age Cymru response to community nursing specification .pdf

    Care: National Community Nursing Specification for Wales Consultation response July 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe ... access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them

  9. FS60w.pdf

    303 44 98 Factsheet 60w  July 2024 Choice of care home if the local authority is contributing towards your care fees Factsheet 60w  July 2024 ... regard to information & advice and advocacy for people assessed as needing a care home 11 4 A care home resident’s right to choose which home they will live in

  10. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    Statement Information, advice and advocacy March 2015 Summary Good quality information and advice is essential for older people. Relevant and appropriate information and advice helps us to make informed ... regard to benefit entitlements, housing or social care options. “…taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain services they need. Advocates

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