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  1. Donate your Christmas party

    calls to older people through our Check in and Chat service and with the support of Welsh Government we've launched our telephone befriending service. With your support, you can ensure we continue to be

  2. Advocacy Newsletter January 2017 English.pdf

    Page 3 4       5 Page 4 Advocacy Service Models: Evidence and their use Page 5 Page 6 ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ Advocacy Service Providers and a Flourishing Social Value Sector develop

  3. RB_Feb17_WB_Index_Indicators_with_Understanding_Society_definitions.pdf

    or South Asian and Chinese dance Have you visited or used in the last 12 months: public library service; an archive centre or records office; a museum or gallery; a historical site (lots of other examples ... means-tested benefits Types asked about in USoc: incapacity benefit income support job seeker s allowance national insurance credits child benefit (including lone-parent child benefit payments) child tax credit

  4. CRS_Feb17_NICE_quality_standard_on_Multimorbidity.pdf

    number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is currently developing a Quality Standard on the ... which Age UK is a member), we outlined the case for the third sector in providing care and support services. The third sector represents a trusted and active presence embedded in many local communities with

  5. Later Life Planning Booklet FINAL WEL.pdf

    yn briod ond yn byw fel cwpl, efallai y cewch eich trin fel person sengl ac efallai na fydd eich partner sy’n goroesi yn cael dim o gwbl. Os ydych yn sengl, efallai y byddwch yn dymuno i’ch ystâd gael ei

  6. codicil_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    Your witnesses must be over 18 and must not be beneficiaries in your will or their spouse or civil partner. Sign and date here in the presence of two independent adult witnesses.

  7. Age Cymru response to Social Care Wales Draft Equality Plan September 2021.pdf

    in lower income health and social care occupations and that many not employed directly by public services have less supportive terms and conditions of employment. Our recent report ‘’For the Moment’1 of ... resource burden of recruitment and training, therefore freeing up resources that can contribute to service improvement. Several survey respondents told us of concerns about the availability of care post-pandemic

  8. RB_July17_Briefing_Financial_Guidance_and_Claims_Bill.pdf

    of advice as well as guidance and the continuation of the vital role played by the Money Advice Service in support of the Financial Capability Strategy. Further clarity is needed on the following aspects: ... reference to quality of information, other than the requirement for the new body to set standards for services it provides  When having regard to information and guidance provided by other organisations and

  9. Winter 2023 v7.pdf

    of our campaigns such as maintaining face-to-face banking services, developing sustainable public transport, improving hospital discharge services, and helping people to become more resilient to scams through ... have a call to action for you! We want as many of you as possible to sign up for our Friend in Need service to make a weekly telephone call to a person with similar interests. Please reach out and contact

  10. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people ... dementia.1 People with long-term physical health conditions – the most frequent users of health care services – commonly experience mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, or dementia in the

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