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People also search for: in memory, foot care, 2021

  1. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    active and independent life. The national bus concession means people in later life are able to reach key services and friends and family, without making difficult financial choices. The concession allows

  2. FS75.pdf

    out if you are entitled to any extra money ⚫ decide your strategy for dealing with your debt. The key thing is to try to keep calm and to take action that is appropriate to your circumstances. 2 Getting

  3. IG31.pdf

    advise you on any Inheritance Tax issues that may arise. A lawyer may also be able to store your will safely for you – though this might cost extra. Whatever you decide, it’s really important to tell your executors ... the future. Good to know. The Government advises you to destroy an old will either by burning it safely or tearing it up. 24 Inheritance Tax. Currently, you don’t usually need to pay any Inheritance Tax

  4. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    high risk of serious illness from coronavirus (COVID-19), to follow “shielding” measures to keep them safe. “Shielding” means protecting those people who are extremely vulnerable to the serious complications

  5. RB_June14_ppi_financial_resilience_of_recently_retired.pdf

    financial resilience to economic, health and lifestyle shocks during early retirement; and highlights some key considerations for the industry when exploring how to improve financial resilience. This was prepared

  6. FS43.pdf

    tell you how ⚫ the level of advice you will receive ⚫ how much you must pay. They should provide a key facts document containing details of: ⚫ the adviser or firm you are using and their services ⚫ products

  7. FS68.pdf

    follow correct legal procedures in order to do so. It may be possible to challenge an eviction – the key thing is to seek specialist housing advice as soon as possible. In order to obtain specialist advice ... eviction right up until the date bailiffs are scheduled to attend. Preventing homelessness Another key source of help, if you are threatened with eviction, is the local authority. They should be able to

  8. Keeping well at home.pdf

    or sit on their doorstep. • Get as much sunlight as they can, whilst also following advice to stay safe in the sun. • Set up

  9. 20170203Loneliness - evidencetoHSCScommittee.pdf

    physical disabilities can erode people’s confidence in their ability to navigate the built environment safely and a fear of falling, especially during the winter months, can further exacerbate feelings of isolation

  10. Winter 2022 Newsletter welsh web.pdf

    ddiogel ac yn effeithlon. Mae angen iddo gael ei wirio’n flynyddol gan beiriannydd cofrestredig Gas Safe a’i wasanaethu yn ôl cyfarwyddiadau’r gwneuthurwr. A beth am ddefnyddio’r gwres rhad ac am ddim sy’n

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