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  1. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    people across areas of Wales. This has resulted in an overall reduction in support for older people at a time when the need is increasing, with 900 fewer older people supported than in 2016. Funding and ... continuing to report that 10% or less of their support is provided in Welsh, with many reporting no uptake at all. 50% of providers continue to state that they have provided advocacy support in many other languages

  2. RB_July15_How to make your Age UK dementia friendly.pdf

    people living with dementia and what needs to be put in place in your organisation. Together we can help people living with dementia and their carers to live the life they want to, and live well with dementia ... local Age UKs can do to make mainstream services more accessible, as well as references for further help and reading. A more extensive Resources Guide is also available on the Age UK website and Age UK’s

  3. 20191127 WG SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Objectives are provided below:  WG Equality Objective 1: ‘By 2024, we will improve outcomes for those most at risk of living in low income households, particularly those with protected characteristics, by mitigating ... for the advice, support and home visits that would help older people access the benefits they’re entitled to cut and we know that services that are currently available are at risk and support is likely

  4. Health interventions and preventative services - January 2024.pdf

    Wales. These services are vital to improving the physical and mental health of older people and to helping them to live more independently. In doing so, they also play an important role in relieving pressures ... education, food, leisure facilities and green spaces, and other important factors in day-to-day life can help us live longer, healthier lives and reduce our need to use NHS services. 1 Welsh Government Scientific

  5. Age Cymru response to Liberty Protection Safeguards consultation July 2022.pdf

    receiving care or treatment outside of a care home or hospital than is the case under the current framework. For example, those in receipt of ‘hospital at home’ services. • the expectation that the LPS should ... took more than 28 days to process. For local authorities the figures were 85% and 64% respectively. At year end, 32% of assessments were still in progress. The current backlog in DoLS applications will

  6. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    Anglesey) ‘Public transport has not returned to pre Covid timetables. Buses are every 2 - 3 hours and stop at 6pm’. (Female aged 65-69, Conwy) ‘Public transport was reduced during pandemic and hasn't returned ... isolation of Covid-19 which disproportionally affected older people. With reference to what would help people to have confidence to get back out and about into the local community, in terms of public transport

  7. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    submission The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of the Human Rights Council (HRC) aimed at improving the human rights situation on the ground of each of the 193 United Nations (UN) Member States ... largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5 million people

  8. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    older people at the time when they need them. It is outrageous that over a million falls could be prevented by using the right exercises. Decision-makers in government and commissioners at the local level ... to work together to improve access to falls prevention services for all people in later life who are at risk of falling. The full financial cost of falls to the NHS and social care has not been calculated

  9. Joe Powell.pdf

    people get the right support at the right time. • It greatly reduces dependence on peer advocacy. • Self-Advocacy can save service providers money. • Self advocacy groups help people with learning disabilities

  10. 2024- executive summary.pdf

    who have been struggling since the cost of living crisis who are just above the cusp of financial help and those that are struggling to understand charging arrangements for social care services. Conclusions ... term funding arrangements mean edge of care services and lower-level support services continue to be at risk. 7. Poor advice on charging from some local authority social services, and the complexities of

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