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  1. IG57.pdf

    start.” Rupert, 74 Next steps There are a number of different organisations that offer advice and support on debt issues. More information can be found on page 5. 4 Getting advice You might feel low, anxious ... offers help face to face, by phone or by email. • Debt Advice Foundation provides debt advice and support through its helpline in England and Wales, and through its website. • National Debtline provides

  2. CRS_Nov13_Better_workplace_pensions.pdf

    parliamentary campaigns, provides training, and funds research exclusively focused on later life. We support and assist a network of 170 local Age UKs throughout England; the Age UK family also includes Age ... this.  We are not convinced that a comply or explain regime is a workable solution  We fully support a ban on active member discounts, consultancy charging and commissions, which should be implemented

  3. FS20w.pdf

    assessment, Checklist Tool, Decision Support Tool and other key elements 16 5.1 The Checklist Tool 16 5.2 Multi-disciplinary assessment 19 5.3 The Decision Support Tool (DST) 22 5.4 The multi-disciplinary ... consent and mental capacity issues in regard to NHS CHC 37 7 Advocacy support in relation to NHS CHC decisions 38 7.1 Advocacy services if someone has capacity 39 Factsheet 20w

  4. IG17.pdf

    Sight loss. 18. Hearing loss. 20. Combined sight and hearing loss. 21. Memory loss. 22. Getting the support you need. Help from the council. 26. Paying for equipment and adaptations. 28. HIAs and handyperson ... good idea to find out the number for your local council. They'll be able to provide a lot of the support and information mentioned in this guide. My local council phone number is: But by making some simple

  5. Draft Planning Policy Wales - May 2018.pdf

    communities all help to facilitate this. An age friendly community is one that has the capacity to support older people to enjoy the best possible quality of life. It includes facilities, services and amenities ... Specialist retirement housing, including sheltered accommodation and extra-care housing, can offer basic support for many older people allowing them to live independently for longer within a safe and secure environment

  6. Health improvement and prevention policy statement - Jan 2016.pdf

    independent as possible are of vital importance to everyone in Wales. All older people should be supported to make informed choices about maintaining and improving their health and independence. Opportunities ... of healthcare services as the wider community. Early intervention and a reablement approach to supporting people can help to maintain independence at home and delay the need for high-end residential care

  7. FS89w.pdf

    housing department 25 5.1 Information you need when making an application 26 5.2 Obtaining additional support to help you through the process 27 6 Actions the local authority should ... include needing medical treatment that was not available there or needing to move back home to receive support from family or friends. Seek advice if you are in this position. Factsheet 89w  January 2024

  8. RB_March13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    to recognise that such people may still have health-related barriers and so may need additional support. • Expanding and encouraging the use of the Access to Work scheme and developing a formal occupational ... potential to raise the quality of support for the long-term unemployed and other disadvantaged jobseekers, and help them counteract other barriers. In principle Age UK fully supports its objectives. If the Government

  9. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    helping everyone make the most of later life. We help more than 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship and advice for older people who need it most. Age UK is very concerned about pension ... is vital that people have security in later life. We welcome this consultation and are broadly supportive of the proposed measures. Below we set out our key points, and respond to selected questions from

  10. Age Cymru – May 2022 - Consultation response - Economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures - The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee.pdf

    responded to Age Cymru’s recent survey told us that they currently look after or give any unpaid help or support to someone. Of these unpaid carers, 55% have increased the amount of care they provide in the prior ... have increased exponentially. 4. How effective are the support measures that the Welsh and UK governments have put in place, and what further support might be needed over the coming months? For older people

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