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  1. v1.3a Determining need for advocacy - revised October 2017.docx

    provide for the person (para 60). If a person lacks capacity but falls outside the IMCA criteria, other forms of advocacy, including Independent Professional Advocacy, should still be considered. 2B. If a person ... If an appropriate individual is notavailable, the professional should considerthe role of other forms of advocacyand signpost the person to appropriate advocacy services (paras 32, 79).6 . If the required

  2. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    nearly a third (28%) stating that hospitals and care providers had stopped advocates from visiting and over forty percent of care providers or hospitals (43%) had stopped any form of visiting. 31% of advocates ... provided by Welsh Government ( states that: “Local authorities should continue to do everything they can to continue meeting their existing

  3. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    need to be able to access treatment in ways that are important to them. Changes to traditional forms of patient interaction that have happened through necessity through the pandemic should be looked ... travel for all musculoskeletal conditions from pre-diagnosis through to rehabilitation. As previously stated, older people are at increased likelihood of experiencing multiple conditions and so consideration

  4. Age Cymru Carers report draft03 (1).pdf

    and 29% indicated a high level of satisfaction (4,5). When asked how this compared to their normal state of satisfaction, the majority (65%) said this was typical, with almost a third indicating that this ... desperately needs.” “I don’t drive so depending where support is based, I wouldn’t be able to get there.” “Forms are too long and complicated just to get nothing in the end.” “Before Covid [I had] four hours a week

  5. Age Cymru Carers report - English.pdf

    and 29% indicated a high level of satisfaction (4,5). When asked how this compared to their normal state of satisfaction, the majority (65%) said this was typical, with almost a third indicating that this ... desperately needs.” “I don’t drive so depending where support is based, I wouldn’t be able to get there.” “Forms are too long and complicated just to get nothing in the end.” “Before Covid [I had] four hours a week

  6. Age Cymru MMIYP - Welsh.pdf

    ffonio Cyngor Age Cymru neu ddefnyddio’r gyfrifiannell ar wefan GOV.UK: Gallwch chi hefyd ffonio’r Gwasanaeth Pensiwn – ewch i dudalen 45 i ddod o hyd i fanylion cyswllt ... Pensiwn newydd y Wladwriaeth ewch i Am wybodaeth ar y system Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth cyn-2016 ewch i 13 Mwy o arian yn eich poced Credyd Pensiwn: mae’n

  7. RB_2016_Testing_Promising_Approaches_to_Reducing_Loneliness_Report.pdf

    Prior to the publication of this report, Age UK South Tyneside transferred its services to a newly formed charity called Age Concern Tyneside South (ACTS). For further information about their involvement ... David attended his first session. He continues to attend every week, experimenting with recipes and forming new friendships. ‘We’re cooking with fresh ingredients, trying new ideas, and sometimes the recipes

  8. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    Tavis House, 1–6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group, dedicated to improving later life. ID201908 08/14 Tavis House 1–6 Tavistock Square ... West Sussex 38 Document purpose To support implementation of the National Dementia Strategy and A State of the Nation on dementia report and demonstrate the contribution of the Age UK network in this field

  9. FS59w.pdf

    concerned14. The report of the Formal Investigation The Independent Investigator’s completed report will form the basis of the local authority’s response. The report should:  “be evidence based with contributions ... not a suitable person to act as representative, the authority must notify the person in writing, stating the reasons for that opinion”. No further clarification is provided as to why someone wouldn’t be

  10. CRS_Oct14_Home_Office_Domestic_abuse_consultation.pdf

    people, domestic abuse is a hidden issue with hidden victims. Domestic abuse also occurs in myriad forms, and it is not clear that the current law is applied consistently, or able to respond effectively ... specific decisions are effectively protected. Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs) could form an element in protective responses to older people with needs for care and support who are experiencing

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