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  1. Newsletter Summer 2021 - English.pdf

    professionals must follow it. Safe Document Storage The original, signed document is the only legally binding version of your Will, so it’s important that it’s kept safe. We offer a low cost, secure solution

  2. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf

    amheus i Action Fraud (gweler adran 7). Camau nesaf Ewch i'r adran 'Protecting Yourself' ar y wefan Get Safe Online am ragor o wybodaeth ac awgrymiadau ynghylch sgamiau dros e-bost. Mae Learn My Way hefyd yn ... iawn.  Byddwch yn wyliadwrus o sgamiau gwe-rwydo (phishing scams). Camau nesaf Ewch ar wefan Get Safe Online (gweler adran 7) am ragor o wybodaeth ynghylch defnyddio safleoedd rhwydweithio cymdeithasol

  3. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    addition, the opportunity to make a lasting contribution, known as generativity, has been seen as a key to successful aging. Core to the feeling of generativity is a commitment to promoting younger generations ... in the body of knowledge on older persons’ use of the internet. Previous studies focused on several key issues, including internet utility for older adults (e.g., communication, information and recreation)

  4. FS38w.pdf

    32 of 57 Legal case: Chief Adjudication Officer v Palfrey Key issues: Was the property purchased to provide a home for the joint owners – does one of the joint owners ... 33 of 57 Legal case: Wilkinson v Chief Adjudication Officer Key issues: Did the joint ownership arise through a reason other than to provide a home for the joint owners

  5. FS14.pdf

    this information on the death of the first spouse, if you are a personal representative, and keep it safe and for use when the surviving spouse or civil partner dies. Example of Residence Nil-Rate Band transfer ... documents by recorded delivery after making a copy of the will and other documents and keep copies in a safe place. The fee is £273 if the estate is valued at more than £5,000. You must enclose a cheque for

  6. GCBH-The-Brain-Body-Connection-Report-Jul16.pdf

    addition to aerobic exercise; a variety of physical activities is better than one kind alone. d. In a safe community or area, walk to your destination, or park farther away from the entrance of wherever you ... physical environment --- for example, how walkable a community is (i.e. the presence of sidewalks, safe environment) --- plays an important role in the feasibility of regularly engaging in physical activity

  7. FS25.pdf

    necessary) with you. If that is not possible, your doctor abroad may be willing to prepare a summary of key facts about your medical history, e.g. significant surgery, current medical conditions and medication

  8. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    Nwy • Pan fydd peiriannydd yn dod i’ch cartref, gofynnwch i gael gweld eu cerdyn Diogelwch Nwy (Gas Safe) a gwnewch nodyn o rif eu cerdyn trwydded. Edrychwch ar wefan y Gofrestr Diogelwch Nwy neu ffoniwch ... dyfais nwy yn eich cartref gael prawf diogelwch gan beiriannydd sydd ar y Gofrestr Diogelwch Nwy (Gas Safe Register) bob blwyddyn a chael gwasanaeth yn unol â chyfarwyddiadau’r gwneuthurwr. Yn ogystal â sicrhau

  9. Age Cymru - Why are we still waiting - Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023 - web.pdf

    distance away) have been giving her care at home. Even with aids and adaptations she doesn’t feel safe to shower alone. She felt it undignified to have to have family provide personal care to her on top ... it would be some time before they can get her the care she needs. Mum needs four calls a day to be safe. The family have managed to arrange for some private care, but this is putting a severe strain on

  10. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    he contacted Age Cymru’s dementia advocacy project as he can no longer manage to care for his wife safely and well. The old care package simply wasn’t enough to give him the support he needs to care for ... aids and adaptations at home to try and help her get around more safely. When she contacted her local authority later to say she was not safe showering alone they told her where she could get help if she

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